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The New Patch (1.01)

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02-11-2004, 12:49 PM
I was just wondering....

once i download the new patch and install it,will it run normally as the first patch did? Or is there a chance it will not work and blow away my entire installed game???

and another question: if it does work and is playable....will i be able to play multiplayerwiththe patch in server? ( or will i just get like 3 -5 servers that run with patch?)

and another question: will the "model reborn/boss" reborn model run with the new patch?

and another:what about the butterfly?!?!? ....anything new done to it?

plz msg back as soon as possible....cuz i wanna install as soon as possible:)
02-11-2004, 12:52 PM
aslo: what other NOTICABLE changes are there that I should look forward to?

eg. new vehicles, saber changes (dmg), characters,etc.
02-11-2004, 1:01 PM
By the way: What is the EXACT site to go to get the patch (official)
 Amidala from Chop Shop
02-11-2004, 1:46 PM
The patch isn't "new", it came out in November 2003.

The most important thing it did was fix a serious bug in the server browser that made it show only a fraction (like 20-30) of the 486 servers out there.

The vast majority of servers are running patched versions of the game, and you need the patch to connect to those servers.

If you are nervous about patching (no reason to be), first make a copy of your GameData folder (Copy of GameData). Patch GameData and leave Copy Of GameData unpatched. Then you will have both versions (1.01 and 1.00). If for some reason you have a problem, delete GameData, make a copy of "Copy of GameData" and rename it GameData, and start over.

Hundreds of people have installed the patch without any problems.

You can get the patch here (
02-11-2004, 3:56 PM
lol, I think i already got the patch. I was under the impression that a second patch had come out. I just saw a subject within the forum of a new patch and discussions on it.
02-13-2004, 4:54 AM
You can see the new changes by reading the "info" before you download it. If you know what i mean. :)
02-17-2004, 8:22 AM
The majority of fixes (other than the all important Server Bug fix) are related to multiplayer bugs and exploits that were fixed.

Gameplay is indistinguishable except for the fact that it's now slightly harder to do rolls in MP (you need to jump or be falling to do multiple rolls, especially back rolls).

There are still a few bugs in the game (related to cheating in SP) but overall it's an improvement.

Grab 1.01 from or's JA page.
02-17-2004, 9:24 AM
Originally posted by Kurgan
Grab 1.01 from or's JA page.

If it takes long to download from lucasarts, cancel the download, someone downloaded the patch there and he cant install it. Its a waste of time.

I got mine from lucasfiles, installs fine.
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