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need some help with tricky terrain

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02-11-2004, 5:29 AM
hey, i'm pretty familiar with jk3 radiant and the tools, but i'm having a really hard time with some tricky terrain. here is what i'm trying to do.

i want to make a dessert oasis, with a waterfall falling into a pool bellow. I have two problems.

1. the water, do i make one giant water brush that just fills the space i want (even if it goes through other brushes?) or do i make the water brushes/brush conform to its environment.

2. i'm having tons of trouble makeing "natural" looking terrain and rocks. I would like to surround most of the poor with some rocky edges, how are these best made? Do i hand make each segment of rock by dragging edges and vertexes? I would like to put a beach on one side of the pool, but i'm clueless as to how to make this not look stupid. Should i use a patch mesh? Since it is made of sand it would look dumb if it was blocky. I'm not very experienced with patch meshes, what do you guys recomend? Use a large mesh with lots of points and try and scupt it into a beach?

thanks for your help
02-11-2004, 6:38 AM
I don't recommend using lots of patches for terrain. Especially LARGE ones because Radiant doesn't like them when they are too big. Besides they don't light up very well. But thats just me.

Here is a LINK ( to a great tutorial from the illustrious rgoer on easy-Gen
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