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New siege maps?

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02-08-2004, 5:17 AM
The Chop Shop insta-gib server was turned into Fight Club again, so my favorite pasttime in this game is gone. I was using siege to replace it, but after a week straight of shooting people in siege, I'm getting pretty tired of it and the game in general. I heard at some point that Raven was making new siege maps, this true? And if so, any idea when they'll be out? And if not, bah humbug!
02-08-2004, 5:53 AM
Raven should have made new siege maps in the patch or bonus map pack.
02-08-2004, 7:51 AM
Some Raven employees, like Ford Dye and Jesterspaz, will make some community bonus maps - their current CTF project is very nice. There will not be a second bonuspack, and it's unsure if Raven themselves will make another Siege map. However, you can always leave that up to the community. ;)
02-08-2004, 9:26 PM
I say wait a month or two, something may turn up.
02-08-2004, 10:27 PM
Originally posted by Kurgan
I say wait a month or two, something may turn up.

Im holding you to that.
02-09-2004, 6:07 AM
If I poke Deso often enough, you might get lucky.
02-11-2004, 1:00 AM
I heard the Dark Forces Mod Team talking about Siege maps. They have requests, I think, on their website about needing people who have knowledge in ICARUS coding.

02-11-2004, 11:47 AM
I think they're more interested in decent SP cutscenes, since Siege scripts should be rather simple.
02-13-2004, 11:33 AM
There are some new siege maps here :)
02-13-2004, 12:00 PM
^ Yeah there is!! Where did you find those? Thats great!

I thought no siege map had ever been made.. and of course, theres no servers playing the maps.
02-13-2004, 12:47 PM
Originally posted by FunkMaestro
^ Yeah there is!! Where did you find those? Thats great!

I thought no siege map had ever been made.. and of course, theres no servers playing the maps.

Well because their having too much fun playing the new and old FFA maps that they dont bother to check new siege maps. :)
02-13-2004, 1:53 PM
Originally posted by |GG|Crow_Nest
Well because their having too much fun playing the new and old FFA maps that they dont bother to check new siege maps. :) After all the improvements and new games types added, it seems that FFA is still king...
02-13-2004, 5:08 PM
Originally posted by GothiX
If I poke Deso often enough, you might get lucky.
dont go easy on the poking, since he dislikes siege..i tried it already

edit: WHat? two siege maps? i defintely have to try those out now
02-13-2004, 5:38 PM
Nice work, Crow_Nest. I can't believe someone actually made another siege map.

Now it is time to spread the news and get it up on a server if it is worth the time.
02-13-2004, 8:00 PM
how about a news poster puts this on the front page? It's a new siege map dangit!

Imperial hangar: ... it's 'ok''s not big though, and jedi have all the force powers (light+dark) and saber+ guns etc, this is a bit feked up. It's just 'destroy this'. But hey, it's at least a siege map so it's decent to play on

dr sues: AWESOME! This map is so funny :) though alas it's only bring the chrystal here and there, it's a bery original idea and i enjoyed testing it
02-17-2004, 11:18 PM
Have to check these out... thanks Crow!
02-18-2004, 1:11 AM
"Imperial Warehouse Night Raid"

That sounds nice, i dont think i would like the eternal lair of suess though... i especially dont like the file size. (56k) :(

wait till it gets up on it will be huge :D
02-18-2004, 4:06 AM
I tried both files, and I had some suggestions for improvements (already sent to the author).

Basically, it's a good effort, but there are some things that need fixing (like the inability for the majority of classes to get out of the water, the lack of ammo, the overpoweredness of the Jedi class and the need for classes to be more differentiated by skin).

The Jedi class has all the good force powers, fast regeneration, etc. He's the only one with Force Jump basically and the other classes, while they have guns, have no ammo resupplys (forgot to check if Techs can give them ammo or not, if not they should), so it makes them pretty weak, especially when they have to do demo duty.

It's almost like he just wanted people to play as uber Jedi and forget about the others. If that was his goal, he should have disabled the other classes (very easy to do) but that would be boring, so I think he should either tone down the Jedi or enhance the other classes (and put some ammo stations up).

There seems to be a bug on the "Suess" (Seuss?) map, I can only complete the objective of smashing the wall to the lair, the rock that leads to the ladder doesn't give me a completion message (and you can't go back up the ladder to see what's wrong) and thus you can't grab any crystals or complete the mission.

Also the level design for Imperial Warehouse is far better (or at least more interesting). Since it's actually completable, for my money that's the one to play right now. Of course both maps could use Radar objective icons, an objective "map" (in the objectives menu) and other things like that, since it's hard to navigate if you haven't memorized the map backwards and forewards.

Still, great that somebody is actively creating new Siege content. Hopefully this will be an inspiration to others! ; )
02-19-2004, 9:10 PM
I was on the ASE today and I saw a server running a map called siege_desert7

It caught my attention because it was in red saying that I didn't have it and I've never gotten that while looking for siege servers.

does anyone have any info on this level?

Check ASE. The server was locked so i couldn't join it.
02-19-2004, 9:30 PM
They are probably testing a new seige map...
02-22-2004, 1:03 AM
Actually, I'm beta testing for a Siege map (I'd do more, but, I can't skin, map, model, map, etc.). It is the Battle of Endor and it has space and ground combat. The mapping looks pretty good, but it might take a while. Also, a Battle of Hoth Siege map with AT-AT's :atat: (probably Duncan's) is being created. Yeah for Siege maps!! (BTW: The Imperial Warehouse and the Dr. Seuss ones look horrible. It's not even Star Wars.):fett:
02-22-2004, 9:25 PM
Originally posted by majinrevan
Actually, I'm beta testing for a Siege map (I'd do more, but, I can't skin, map, model, map, etc.). It is the Battle of Endor and it has space and ground combat. The mapping looks pretty good, but it might take a while. Also, a Battle of Hoth Siege map with AT-AT's :atat: (probably Duncan's) is being created. Yeah for Siege maps!! (BTW: The Imperial Warehouse and the Dr. Seuss ones look horrible. It's not even Star Wars.):fett:

So what? It has to be Star Wars to be good, then?
Christ. Playing a Star Wars map OVER AND OVER can get boring, The seuss map is nice change of pace. I mean, A little variety never hurts. :amidala:
02-24-2004, 1:22 AM
Hey, does a space-based SIEGE map count? Like this


02-24-2004, 10:12 AM
Originally posted by Andy867
Hey, does a space-based SIEGE map count? Like this



Yeah, it looks cool. Cant wait for it to be released! :cool:
02-26-2004, 10:27 AM
From my understanding, and crow knows that my many sources are RARELY wrong, there is a new SIEGE map in the works that is, of all things, Star Wars based, but I can assure you that first-hand looks of it are pretty promising, even more so than that of Siege Star Destroyer. I can't elaborate to much since the map is just in the early stages, but will definitely rank up there in downloads (seeing as how last I checked, SIEGE became THE most downloaded map in JK history, ranking in almost 4000 downloads in a 24 time period.)
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