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help ("Invalid Game Folder")

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02-07-2004, 3:42 PM
hmm i played much times in singleplayer now i wanted to try the multyplayer modus but always when i want to join a server there comes : MISTAKE ; INVALID GAME FOLDER so what must i do ? and where can i see the commands for a server admin ?? i mean this commands in console to spawn something because one time i could jon a server and there he spawn on an animal , he say he type a command in the console but he doesnt want to say me what for a command , so can you say me where i can find it and the description?:newbie:

and nice smilies do you have here :laughing:
02-07-2004, 4:22 PM
This thread should help:

Originally posted by Kurgan
This happens if you are using an illegal version of the game and try to join a legit server, OR if you are using a legit version of the game and try to join a warez or illegal beta server. The only way to get by this is to try another server.

And about admin commands... read the readme!
02-07-2004, 7:46 PM
To use admin commands bring down the console (shift tilde; ie: SHIFT `) then type:

\rconpassword <yourpasswordhere>

After you've logged in (assuming you actually are the admin and have set a password in your cfg file) then you can issue commands.

Just type them like you would normally but put \rcon in front of them.

So like:

\rcon status

Will show you the status of all players and bots on your server.

If you're not running a dedicated server and are just used the 'create game' from your own computer, then you don't need the \rcon part, just type commands in the console with a \ in front of them and they should work.

To boot somebody type:

\rcon clientkick <#>
(where # is the clientnumber that you saw in status next to their name)

See the Dedicated Server Forum for more info.
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