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1.01 patch problem with saber stances

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02-03-2004, 6:08 PM
I recently installed the 1.01 patch and have found that I no longer have the 6 saber stances that I had beforew the patch was installed. Now I only have 4 stances and I can no longer change styles back, or to any other style. ITS STUCK,

My question is, Is there another patch comming, or is there any console commands that will work?

02-03-2004, 6:57 PM
Here's a command that'll help, enter it before you enter your setforceall3 command.

/Helpusobi 0

Yeah, that's right.
02-04-2004, 12:24 PM
You'll have to bind 2 different keys for changing stances.

Eg. I have it binded to "L" and mousewheeldown. All i have to do is: Press "L" and mousewheeldown at the same time to change stances.

There will be a 2nd patch. (at least i think so)
02-04-2004, 2:01 PM
Originally posted by |GG|Crow_Nest
There will be a 2nd patch. (at least i think so) Don't hold your breath.
02-04-2004, 2:38 PM
Because there won't be one.
02-04-2004, 4:08 PM
was that last part really needed?
02-04-2004, 8:03 PM
Yeah. So some people stop whining about what they want to see in it.
02-06-2004, 1:59 AM
Technically you only ever get 3 stances, the extra stances are gained through the use of cheats and yes, sadly the patch messes those up (the demo had the same problem).

So try crow's solution.

The speculation about a patch is based on some changes in the MP SDK source. However, I can't say since I haven't looked at it.

The final say on whether or not there is another patch is totally up to LucasArts, and considering how long it's been and we haven't heard a peep, I wouldn't get my hopes up...

Your best bet is to hope that some mod team (like OJP) can fix it, if it's even possible without the SP SDK (which won't be released).
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