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Changing an Armor Max Dexterity bonus

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02-02-2004, 5:59 PM
Anyone have any ideas on how to change the maximum dexterity bonus for an armor? The only idea I have is to change dex bonus for it's base class in baseitems.2da, which would affect all the armors with the same base item, or adding a new row in baseitems.2da. Anyone know an itemprop that could be added to the .uti that would do the same thing?
02-02-2004, 6:19 PM
You could modified the 'BaseItem' field of the .uti file of the armor to point to another type of armor. The Heavy Exoskeleton armo does that, it's listed as a Class 8 armor but it has the 'BaseItem' of a Class 7. Also the Light Exoskeleton does the same, it's listed as a Class 5 but it has the 'BaseItem' of a Class 4
02-02-2004, 10:49 PM
Would baseitem 0 give you complete dextirity?

02-02-2004, 11:23 PM
I'll try changing the base item to a different armor. Thanks.
02-04-2004, 12:52 AM
I'm afraid that this is not going to solve the problem.

Instead, open your baseitems.2da and find the baseitem value of the armor you're going to mod (for example, if you're going to mod the light exoeskeleton, it will be 38 - armor class 4.

Find the column labeled dexbonus and change the value to -1.

By doing this you can use the light exoeskeleton without any dexterity restrition.

The side effect is that any other armor based in armor class 4 will have the same "feature" - they won't restrict the dexterity bonus anymore.

Hope that helps.


02-04-2004, 10:25 PM
of course you can up the dexterity bonus in the properties list of indivdual items, without worrying about affecting all the other amors in that class.
02-05-2004, 12:22 AM
I added a new row to the baseitems and use that in the baseitem reference in the uti. Jumped maxdexterity way up so it wasn't an issue. Can be very selective about what armor it applies to now. Seems to work OK.
02-05-2004, 12:27 AM
but there's not a need to mod baseitems at all. you can add to the items max dexterity bonus within the item's .uti file. and then you change only that item's maxdexterity bonus. there is no need to mess with baseitems at all.
 CaspER sX
02-05-2004, 12:32 AM
Originally posted by eidospsogos
you can add to the items max dexterity bonus within the item's .uti file. and then you change only that item's maxdexterity bonus.

What can i get to open/edit uti files?
02-05-2004, 12:45 AM
if i remember correctly, .uti files are opened with the standard .gff editor. in fact, yes i know for sure. the .gff editor from bioware will open .uti files. you just have to right-click it and choose open with, or download the the modded .gff editor from NeverWinter vaults, that will alow you to choose show all files from the open file menu.

it is kind of hard to initially tell which value under the properties list gives you your dex bonus. but if you cross-reference the itemprops.2da it should be easy to figure out eventually. plus if you download my exar kun armor, this item definitely has an upped dex bonus, and it may be easy to use the item to figure out some things. the category for adding a dexbonus to armor in tempropdef is 0 if i remember correctly. i'll ceheck it out and give a little better explanation later.
 CaspER sX
02-05-2004, 12:47 AM
Im a little new to this so im trying to figure some things out.

Thanks for the help.
02-05-2004, 1:09 AM
under item properties list the entry to up a dex bonus will look like this: (and you can get the modded gff editor from the list of tools sticky in this forum)

ChanceAppear [BYTE] = 100
CostTable [BYTE] = 2
CostValue [WORD] = 2
Param1 [BYTE] = 255
Param1Value [BYTE] = 0
PropertyName [WORD] = 1
SubType [WORD] = 0

in this above entry, CostValue [WORD] = 2 defines the dexterity bonus of 2. the PropertyName = 1, with the subcategory of 0 refers to an armor bonus. no one is really sure what the CostTable entry is for. :) but you can gain an understanding of what the rest of the values are for by perusing item files and cross-referencing their values with the itempropdefs.2da.

for alot more info, go here:
02-05-2004, 11:18 PM

The only reason I added a row to base items was because I couldn't figure out what property I could add to a uti to remove the max dexterity cap. Which one should I use?
02-06-2004, 12:19 AM
Originally posted by eidospsogos
under item properties list the entry to up a dex bonus will look like this: (and you can get the modded gff editor from the list of tools sticky in this forum)

ChanceAppear [BYTE] = 100
CostTable [BYTE] = 2
CostValue [WORD] = 2
Param1 [BYTE] = 255
Param1Value [BYTE] = 0
PropertyName [WORD] = 1
SubType [WORD] = 0

in this above entry, CostValue [WORD] = 2 defines the dexterity bonus of 2. the PropertyName = 1, with the subcategory of 0 refers to an armor bonus. no one is really sure what the CostTable entry is for. :) but you can gain an understanding of what the rest of the values are for by perusing item files and cross-referencing their values with the itempropdefs.2da.

for alot more info, go here:

I beg your pardon, mister.

English isn't my native language, so there is a high chance I misunderstood what our friend was asking about.

I may be wrong, but I think this item property will grant an EXTRA dex bonus to the character when using the armor, while we were talking about the max dexterity bonus cap.

I have been messing around for a while with the .uti files and haven't found a way to circumnvent this cap by editing specific .uti files. If this goal is achievable, I would like to know how to do it.

I can add any kind of extra feats, immunity or att bonus to the armor, but I haven't find a way to change the dexterity cap.

On the other hand I was able to eliminate this cap by editing baseitems, as told before.

I'm really new to modding, and there isn't much spare time for me to get deeper into this as I would like.

I'm often inclined to learn from more skilled people, so if you can tell me how to eliminate the max dex bonus cap from an armor by directly editing the .uti files I would be very grateful.


02-06-2004, 6:22 PM
Good idea but it doesn't quite do what I wanted. I tried adding a dexterity ability to the uti. This does result in an increase to the dexterity of the character wearing it, however the dexterity bonus is still limited by the referenced baseitem. So if I add a dexterity bonus of ten to a class09 armor in the uti, the dexterity attribute is increased by 10 but the bonus is limited to 0 by the armor. Think this is the point Unabomber was making.

On the other hand, if you add a line to baseitem.2da, and reference it as the baseitem in the armor uti, the max for the armor is reset to what ever you put in dexbonus. I put in 30 to eliminate it as a factor. Now if I put it on a character with a dexterity of 18 and a resulting bonus of +4, they retain that +4 bonus. Has the added advantage that you can also change what feats that are required to wear the new armor. When I added the line I just copied the 43, changed the row label to 92 and increased dexbonus to 30. changed baseitem reference in uti to 92. No other changes, works good.

Thanks for the help guys. Couldn't have figured it out if you hadn't got me started.
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