Okay, I've been using cheats on "Star Wars: Jedi Academy" (yes, shame on me). I've been using them for the past few weeks. But a couple days ago I played a new game, new character and everything, and it wouldn't let me use the cheats. I'd press Shirt ~, then type "devmapall", but I'd get a message saying something like the map wasn't found... or something like that. Can't quite remember. Then when I'd try to enter a cheat, it would say "cheats are not allowed on this server".
I did download the latest patch and a couple new saber hilts. But I'm fairly new to this stuff, so I'm not sure if that would have anything to do with it or not.
Would anyone mind giving me a little help? Thanks! :)
Use the code "helpusobi 1" (quotes exempt) instead of devmapall.
if you're playing SP type
/helpusobi 1
if you're playing MP type
/devmapall <name of the map here> 1
Thanks. I'm not looking to use a map... just cheats :P
Well, with the patch, Raven had to remove the devmapall because it was loading in a bunch of extra stuff that most of the public wouldnt know how to use or even know it existed. So they simply removed that command from SP and so that people would have to type the Helpusobi 1 command to get cheats enabled.
Raven had to remove the devmapall because it was loading in a bunch of extra stuff that most of the public wouldnt know how to use or even know it existed.
Extra stuff? I thought devmapall and helpusobi unblocked the same cheats in SP :o
Thank you for all your help! :)
Originally posted by Giddamon
Extra stuff? I thought devmapall and helpusobi unblocked the same cheats in SP :o
Doesn't really matter. helpusobi 1 is more efficient to unlock cheats.
You can also load an SP map (Not just MP) with "devmap [mapname]" with cheats enabled so you dont have to type in helpusobi 1 :)
Originally posted by Giddamon
Extra stuff? I thought devmapall and helpusobi unblocked the same cheats in SP :o
Well devmapall did unlock the cheats, but from my understanding, it was also putting the game into developer mode and would cause the game to take extra time loading up maps and levels to the extra stuff, any of which, if messed with without lnowledge of could compromise the game and cause conflicts and this was something that LA and Raven didnt want, hence the reason for removing devmapall from SP. They left in devmap for MP because it was the only way to enable cheats in MP, but even then it can be buggy and cause problems, but not nearly as many as devmapall could have caused and was causing...