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Changing the vehicle limit

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01-28-2004, 8:42 PM
I have VERY little experience with modding, (actually, none) but lots with mods, and I know that you CAN change the maximum number of vehicles in jedi academy, but I don't know HOW.

Could anyone enlighten me on this? and also once again, no experiance with modding here so please be clear, and have patience for a newbie that wants to play kotor maps.
 Samuel Dravis
01-28-2004, 9:19 PM
It's in the source code. Which is in C. The OJP mod has extended the vehicle limit, and is fully open source. Check out the forum ( for help on accessing the code.
01-29-2004, 5:18 PM
OJP mood what is that?
 Samuel Dravis
01-29-2004, 5:27 PM
The Open Jedi Project. It's a open source collaboration of modders that submit quality mods and improvements to the game code. You can use the OJP, in part or in whole, in your own mods provided you give credit to the original authors. It is a really good idea, and already has some very useful features. Check it out:

Open Jedi Project Official Website (
Open Jedi Project Forums (
 Sam Fisher
01-29-2004, 5:31 PM
Yeah, I can't even play KotOR final! AAHHHH!!!!
01-31-2004, 5:45 AM
Get the Last Hope mod, it has RBG sabers (but aint that good) and increases your vehicle extension to 64.
01-31-2004, 6:57 AM
But he didn't increase the vehicle buffer size, right? Isn't that the real problem?
01-31-2004, 8:16 AM
Yes they both are a problem.

There's and in-game limit and out of game limit.
02-01-2004, 9:48 AM
Well, there's three limits.

1. is the size of the data struct for vehicles. This is the actual max number of different types of vehicles you can have ingame.

2. Is the number of active vehicles allowed on the map at once.

3. The size of the read buffer for the vehicle files. This the one that almost everyone is hitting. I've created and tested a fix and it will be in the next release wave of OJP.
02-17-2004, 11:06 AM
cant someone just make a mod that just changes the vehicle limit to like 9999999?
i mean thats what everyone wants right?
02-17-2004, 11:14 AM
Originally posted by vas_zag
cant someone just make a mod that just changes the vehicle limit to like 9999999?
i mean thats what everyone wants right?

Yeah but what is the file name that you have to edit? In which folder?
02-17-2004, 12:30 PM
Originally posted by |GG|Crow_Nest
Yeah but what is the file name that you have to edit? In which folder?
it's in the code...
02-17-2004, 5:46 PM
Originally posted by vas_zag
cant someone just make a mod that just changes the vehicle limit to like 9999999?
i mean thats what everyone wants right?

Because right now, all the vehicle files are loaded on map load. Setting it to 9999999 would result in a large hunk of memory being used even without using up the whole limit.
02-17-2004, 8:50 PM
Put 100 for limit,i think it wont be used for a while.
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