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The Ladder Conversion

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01-28-2004, 11:18 AM
Hey all new to this forum, Im a pretty good skinner and I was looking for a modeler and mapper to do 2 conversions of my fav map ever the ladder, 1st a basic coversion with the new tavion and maybe marka, The 2nd an Episode 3 version of the ladder 100 clones then anakin then palps, I allready have most of the skins done, If anyone can help convert you will get full credit contact me on icq 110933312 If anyone can get me in contact with the creator of The ladder that would be great!
 Samuel Dravis
01-28-2004, 1:37 PM
All you have to do is find out which models/skins the ladder uses, and replace them with yours...look for an SP skin conversion FAQ ( and it should have all the answers for you. Check in the editing forums for help if you get stuck.
01-28-2004, 2:00 PM
You don't even need to alter the actual map .pk3. You can create another one that just replaces the characters you want changed. Just make sure the new .pk3 name comes alphabetically after the ladder.pk3. This way your changes will be loaded into the game afterwards, and thus replacing those characters.
01-28-2004, 5:46 PM
ok and the ladder works with academy?

and desan is set to be larger than the other models in the ladder how do i set desan to be regular size?
 Samuel Dravis
01-28-2004, 6:16 PM
I don't think the ladder even has the models it uses in the pk3; it just uses the ones in the game. But the ladder does work correctly in basejka.

Desaan's model scaling can be changed in his .npc file. Check there.
01-29-2004, 3:06 PM
Originally posted by Samuel Dravis
Desaan's model scaling can be changed in his .npc file. Check there. Yep. There should be a scale parameter. Remove it or set it to 100.
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