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2 question (changing names and sabers on the fly)

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01-18-2004, 8:56 PM
Question #1: in mp how do you switch name while dual just by pressing a botton
Question #2: how do you make you saber change while in combat (cause it look cool :D )
 Samuel Dravis
01-19-2004, 3:57 AM
1) Bind it to a key.

bind g "name MyName"

2) If you mean change from staff to duals etc in MP you cannot do it without a mod. For SP, it is the command G_SABER.
01-19-2004, 3:08 PM
Originally posted by Samuel Dravis
2) If you mean change from staff to duals etc in MP you cannot do it without a mod. This is for cheating/balance purposes :)
01-23-2004, 9:35 AM
Originally posted by Samuel Dravis
2) If you mean change from staff to duals etc in MP you cannot do it without a mod. For SP, it is the command G_SABER.

Um, i think it only works on a cheat enabled server. ;)
01-23-2004, 1:58 PM
It actually works in the new JA+.
I believe that the commands are:

/saber single_1 = single saber.

/saber dual_1 = staff saber.

/saber single_1 single_1 = two sabers.

The number 1 means the saber hilt. Change the number for a different hilt.
02-18-2004, 11:53 AM
I don't like to correct anyone, but the binds I sucessfully use are:

/bind <key> saber single_1 = single :saberb:

/bind <key> saber single_1 single_1 = dual sabres :saberb::saberb:

/bind <key> saber dual_2 = staff :dsaber:

You cannot change style mid-duel and with the new mods, 1.7 onward, cannot change style mid-combo :(

Whilst I respect Slider's work, I used to enjoy spinning dual sabers round my characters head and turning them into a staff prior to catching them thus defending myself against those sly dogs preparing to jump in with their single blades... ah, I think I see his point! :p

The binds still work, but are much more limited. On the positive side, at least you don't have to die before the style changes.

I was not aware that the number related to the hilt, so thanks for that, I think I'll go allocate all my posh Goldstaff hilts! :cool:
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