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Need some help... (character info not saved)

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01-15-2004, 5:28 AM
I just got this game the other day but im having a little trouble..

Everytime i log onto jka i have to repick my name, lightsaber, and char it wont save is there somthing im missing?

Sorry if his has been asked 200 times i tried searching but couldnt find anything.
01-15-2004, 7:40 AM
Start up the game, then click "new game" and select your character next is lightsaber. Then start the game, The game should load.

Are you talking about saving games? :confused: To save a game, just press esc and go "save game".
 Jedi Luke
01-15-2004, 7:47 AM
I think he's talking about MP. If this is for MP, then in the MP menu, next to 'New Game' is a section called 'Profile'. In the profile you can edit your name, character, saber, etc, which will then be saved as your default character.
01-15-2004, 4:21 PM
Yes i am talking about MP but when i edit my char and stuff i can enter a game and it will be there but when i exit out of jka and log back in i have to redo my name and everything.

Edit: it also does it on all my options like texture quality and my controls and stuff.
01-15-2004, 4:38 PM
Originally posted by Das0
Yes i am talking about MP but when i edit my char and stuff i can enter a game and it will be there but when i exit out of jka and log back in i have to redo my name and everything.

Edit: it also does it on all my options like texture quality and my controls and stuff. That sounds like a problem with your config file not getting saved properly.
01-15-2004, 7:36 PM
I think you're using the shortcut with the Multiplayer (Safe Mode) name. Don't use it. It'll restart all your settings. Just use the one that doesn't have safe mode on it.
01-15-2004, 8:31 PM
Yes, i was using the safe mode thing. Should i use the "launch star wars jka" one instead?
 Jedi Luke
01-15-2004, 9:53 PM
Yes, don't use the safe mode one. The safe mode execute resets the settings to the minimum as well as your player. Just click Multiplayer mode on the Launch Jedi Academy screen which comes up by default in the CD autorun.
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