Can someone please tell me how I can make textures using Photoshop 7.0? Or at least point me in the right direction please. Thanks in advance.
Here's some tutorials from the master himself, evillair
Texture tutorials specific to game content is difficult to find but there are some out there you just have to search. The web graphics tutorials can teach you a lot so don't neglect them.
The best way is to get a book on creating textures for games. I got one over the summer and I learned a lot.
No, sorry I should have said that I had already made a texture in photoshop but want I can't figure out is how I make it a .jpg or something so that I can actually use it as a texture, so I have two questions:
1. How do I make a photoshop 7.0.1 picutre into a .jpg (or a file extension that can be used as a texture)
2. Where do I put the file (in which directory) so I could actually use the texture and see it on one of my custom maps
What?? That's simple! File>>Save As and choose the file format you want from the list box, name the picture and hit the save button. For game content the size of the picture must be of the power of 2 example 256x256, 512x512, 1024x1024 etc....
Go to the textures folder in the base directory and make a new folder and put your picture in it.
Which file format should I use? There are only an html and a jip choice, which one should I use?
What the hell? That's weird. I don't know what the problem is. You can send me the picture and I can make it "game content friendly". Here's my email address
Hey i did it. Thanks buddy. I just reinstalled Photoshop and discovered that you have to select different file types that Photoshop can use. Problem solved :D I can now see my custom textures in my maps :)