I get a bunch of errors when I try to even use a 1/3 of the size of the space possible in the Radiant. Is there a way you can use all of the space possible? Any help on this?
the max gridsize is around 10,000 by 10,000 grid units, u may be able to push it slightly higher but thats what i prefer to stick to. Any higher and the map wont light proberly ( it will bright as hell )
what errors are you getting? max_map_lightgrid max_map_visibilty?
You can work around both of those errors easily (no doubt why he's asking) by simply adding values to the worldspawn and mapping that bit more efficiently.
Andy (guy who made Q3Map2) recommends that for all maps (except the smallest) that you add a key/value of _lightmapscale 4 to the worldspawn, this will make the lightmap data take up to 1/4 of the original space it took. If you actually need detailed shadows anywhere you can group brushes together and give them their own _lightmapscale key/value (for example set it to 0.25 to get some pretty clean shadows).
For max_map_visibility add _blocksize 4096 4096 4096 tp the worldspawn which will cut vis data down significantly in larger maps...oh and always remember to detail/structural stuff on brushes to guarantee you keep the vis data as low and as efficient as possible.
k but with all that how big can you expect to make your maps?
Size of the grid if you really want...
Yes there is NO size restriction to JA maps. BUT....BUT.....you can't make maps too large without the loss of performance. You can add fog but that will only help so much.
I do want to point out that YOU CAN NOT make one BIG GIGANTIC room. Radiant will just crash on the first compile.
I've actually done that lauser it worked for me. This is kinda troubling for me as i've gotten around the max vis error now but i haven't lighted my map yet and hearin all this is makin me kinda edgy... my map is like 20000 units squared with say 3/4 of that filled, reason it needed to be so big is i have a traffic grid in the sky and so as to make it look like its trailing off in the distance you need to make a large amount of space around your playable map area, not to mention in city maps you need a border of buildings to block you from seeing any wide open spaces there wouldn't be in a place like coruscant... anyhow i don't really want to cut my lighting quality unless its not going to look a whole lot different? So how can I avoid the probable lighting errors when i light up my huge map?
Oh and how exactly do you add that lightmapscale whatever key to the worldspawn? Select a brush and add it? Or...? Thanks all this has been a great help!
Same as blocksize, select a regular world brush, press N, type it in.
10,000 units? Heh, the maximum is the size of the grid, 65,536*65,536 units. It may be possible to put something outside of that, but I'm unaware if it will ever compile (without modifying the compiler) or is practical to work with in Radiant.
What errors are you getting? It would be stupid to up and lower your lightmap resolution to 1/4th of the already low resolution Q3 lightmaps. Give us more information and we can tell you exactly what to do.
And Wade, Randy Reddig (ydnar) wrote Q3Map2, are you confusing Randy with Andy? :p
MIGHTY I hope you are adding structural brushes to the middle of your map somewhere. If you ever compile that thing I want to see it. 20,000 units? Thats roughly 1/3 the size of the grid. I made a map where I could see roughly 12,000 units in a straight line...NOPE...she wouldn't compile. So I filled 'er up with some clip brushes hoping that would help then made some of them structural. Helped a little but it still would not compile all the way.
BTW...I think the RAIL S/P map is roughly 30,000 units in length. Biggest map I've ever seen.
i've compiled bigger maps for test pruposes, but what stopped you from fully compiling?
i have successfully compiled my map many times, but i had to increase the blocksize to avoid the max vis error. And yea I made all my buildings structural so that should help a lot.