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JKA Servers Specs

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01-07-2004, 2:47 PM
Hey all,

Because nowhere (i didnt found it) is described something about what specs you need to set up a JA server, i'm trying to find out what are the possibilities and minimal requirements.

I mean...ur not going to try and set up a dedicated server for 10 peeps with a 56k modem right? (LOL, those telephone mins.).

But lets say i would like to set up a (small) server for like 10 peeps: What connection do i need to have (in Kbits/s? Up- and Downstream) and what server specs do i need?
Like a PIII 1ghz or something? Or would an old system PII 500 (of course with nice RAM) also do as a dedicated server?

Dedicated system Specs?

Tnx for ur help,

WynX out.
 Amidala from Chop Shop
01-07-2004, 5:30 PM
Read this:

required UPLOAD bandwidth (bits/sec) = sv_maxclients x sv_maxrate x 8
01-07-2004, 8:15 PM
Ty Amidala. :)

Kinda new to this stuff, so where can i look up sv_maxrate?
01-07-2004, 8:24 PM
In the console type sv_maxrate and it will say what it is.
01-07-2004, 8:48 PM
Ok, tnx Kurgan :) .
 Amidala from Chop Shop
01-08-2004, 12:28 AM
Originally posted by WynX
Ty Amidala. :)

Kinda new to this stuff, so where can i look up sv_maxrate? sv_maxrate is something you (or your server host) choose. The higher the rate, the less "laggy" the server will be, up to a certain point. But for a given upload bandwidth, the higher you set sv_maxrate, the lower sv_maxclients (number of players you are hosting) must be. So you must find a balance. For a residential cable or DSL connection of 256kbs or higher upload, I recommend sv_maxrate 4000. It will give good performance while letting you host 8 players on 256kbs (8 x 4000 x 8 = 256,000). For a duel server, make sv_maxclients 4 and sv_maxrate 8000 (4 x 8000 x 8 = 256,000).
01-08-2004, 9:58 PM
Tnx again for this very clear explanation. I totally get the picture now. I've checked my connection speed and it is (or should be lol) at 320kbs... So i'll just build a server for 8 people and about 5000 maxrate.

Then it should be working just fine :)

Lol...some servers i've seen online have maxrate at 25k or higher!! :p
 Amidala from Chop Shop
01-08-2004, 10:19 PM
Originally posted by WynX
Tnx again for this very clear explanation. I totally get the picture now. I've checked my connection speed and it is (or should be lol) at 320kbs... So i'll just build a server for 8 people and about 5000 maxrate.

Then it should be working just fine :)You've got it, that's exactly right! (8 x 5000 x 8 = 320,000)
Lol...some servers i've seen online have maxrate at 25k or higher!! :p If they are doing that correctly and it isn't a mistake, it's because they are renting a server from a datacenter that has high-bandwidth connections to the Internet backbone.

One of my hosts limits sv_maxrate to 6000. The other allows up to 25,000, but I set those servers at 10,000 so broadband users won't have too much advantage over dialup users (who are limited to 4000 download rate). All of my servers have good pings with both data rates.
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