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Range to target_speaker?

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01-06-2004, 2:07 AM
As the title asked, is there a range to a target speaker? If so, how is it modified?
01-06-2004, 2:50 AM
No specifiable range, works according to vis data and/or distance in open spaces AFAIK. Meh don't listen to me tho...but as for being able to specify a range, you can't.
 Leslie Judge
01-06-2004, 10:45 AM
That's not quite true.

You can use the key soundSet for target_speakers. In a soundset you can specify the range.

Take a look in base/sound/sound.txt file where you can see the soundsets. Search for localsets and you will see a few with the radius parameter. That's what you need.

If you can't find one which is good for you, create your own there and don't forget to include the file in your final PK3.
01-07-2004, 3:37 PM
Doesn't a soundset require an entry in sound.txt though? And if that is the case how is sound.txt loaded? Does it load the first one it comes across or is it smart and searches for all sound.txt files and loads them all? If it doesn't we can't all go including custom sound.txt files as only one will work.
01-07-2004, 8:53 PM
or simply take the sound file and make it lower or higher depending on what you want i think to do so yo ugo to start run
...but then i forgot what to type in :(
 Leslie Judge
01-08-2004, 12:52 PM
Originally posted by WadeV1589
Doesn't a soundset require an entry in sound.txt though? And if that is the case how is sound.txt loaded? Does it load the first one it comes across or is it smart and searches for all sound.txt files and loads them all? If it doesn't we can't all go including custom sound.txt files as only one will work.
Of course you need an entry in sound.txt and it probably behaves as any other file in the game. If you have several PK3s with sound.txts in then only one can win.

The search paths are created at game start and the list includes all PK3s in reverse alphabetic order, but if you have extracted files then they come first. If you have a mod dir (other than base) then that will be scanned before base (only if you have started the game with that mod or loaded the mod from setup menu). I hope I didn't screw up the order. :)

You can see this search path list in the consle after starting the game.
01-08-2004, 3:13 PM
In which case my original comment is the most valid (with the exception of if you make a mod) that you cannot truly specify a range.*

*The simplest way of saying we shouldn't all start including a custom sound.txt file because it's just going to get complicated and will be like the vehicles all over again.
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