I'm using the bespin sky shader in a map I'm creating. It's generates too little light however. Are there any good ways to insert more lightning without having to use point-based entities?
Look for any of the following lines in the shader code:
q3map_surfacelight <amount>
q3map_skylight <amount> <iterations>
q3map_sun <R> <G> <B> <amount> <heading> <elevation>
Change the <amount> values to higher numbers to emit more light. Remember to save your new shader in a different shader file and with a new shader name so you don't overwrite people's bespin shaders.
1: How do I open up the shade code?
2: Where and how should I store it without it interferring with Raven's shaders?
3: How do I get my sky to use this shader?
jut copy the shader entry and paste it into a new shader file called mapname.shader and make sure you list mapname in shaderlist.txt :) and dont forget to change the name of your shader so its not the same as the raven one :)
eg. textures/skies/mapname
This is a SP map so I was a little opposed to create new shaders and so... But the sun entity seemed to work pretty good. Thanks everone for replying.