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How to change the player model

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01-03-2004, 6:48 AM
This is from my earlier post, it was suggested I make it a new post

Success ! my first mod attempt was...well a failure

my second attempt was to change the players model ---- IT WORKED!!!!

This script
effect eDisg = EffectDisguise(DISGUISE_TYPE_N_DARTHREVAN);
(there are a bunch of disguise types, every character model in the game under constants)

Does this

If someone else has posted how to change the player model I'll feel stupid but using that command you can make the player look like almost anything in the game!

It may not be anything spectacular, but I'm quite proud of myself

It's a big step for me because it is like the first time i've ever succesfully scripted anything (once in NWN I made arrows that disintigrated the target, but that was the most impressive thing I ever did)

thanks Lil'jawa and the other modders



by the way it does NOT let me reply to threads, just make them... it times out... so if I get a better image host ill have to remake the thread if you wanna see them
01-03-2004, 7:07 AM
oh wow. that does look so cool. :)

and the droid thing is hilarious. :)
01-03-2004, 7:16 AM
look in there again at the one of hk47 with the lightsaber force lightninging the sith guys :)

too bad hk47 doesnt have saber combat animations, he just stands there and they fall over dead, that'd be really cool :)

by the way my little bodyswitching mod is just a mod of liljawa's (because i had no knowledge of scripting I started with that and tinkered till I had something)

if someone wants I'll clean it up and make it a full fledged mod and do some other stuff (such as changing your class to be appropriate, etc.. perhaps I can give the player the combat droid or utility droid class or something?)
01-03-2004, 7:43 AM

I will be posting a tutorial tomorrow if no one else does (I'm sure all you script monkeys already knew how to do this)

01-03-2004, 4:40 PM
We'd appreciate that. BTW What kind of program(s) are you using to edit the scripts? To have different items in a locker, the new player model you mentioned etc. ?
01-03-2004, 5:37 PM
I used neverwinter nights aurora toolset to open up the module file made by liljawa that included his dark jedi script, i used the nwn script editor to edit said script, compiled it, yanked it out of the module's temp folder and put it in my override folder
01-03-2004, 6:26 PM
Anything done yet to alter bastila's wardrobe in something..less heavy? :p
01-03-2004, 7:49 PM
That is awesome. I hated late game getting Revan's robes but not the cool hood and mask. I'd highly suggest you make this into a mod, it would be a hit.

BTW, how did you give them forcepowers and lightsaber feats and such? I thought you coudln't add feats?
01-03-2004, 8:32 PM
I think he didn't need to give force powers because it is the main character with a jedimod and a new model.

So, basically HK can advance as any of your main characters because it's just a model.
01-03-2004, 8:51 PM
but the pictures taken are on the endar spire. so mission holding a lightsaber, is a feat you wouldn't have at this point. also unavailable at this point is the force lightning used by hk-47 in the picture. were these things added by lil jawa's mod? if so how did he add feats or powers this early on in the game? i know it's possible to have every feat in the game by hex-editing your level back to 1 over and over again. but is there an easier way?
01-03-2004, 9:09 PM
Good job override! That's the Darth Revan robes everyone wants.
01-05-2004, 1:35 AM
Have you tired a Darth Malak model? i think that would be kind of cool.
01-05-2004, 5:28 AM
yea malak works too, but I'm working on other stuff right now, namely replacing Carth with Darth Banden or something because Carth annoys me (banden wouldn't have any dialogue but it would be an evil jedi teammember that wouldn't bitch constantly when your bad, I'd just have to overwrite Carth's scripts to check your alignment with blank ones or something
01-05-2004, 6:25 AM
where do I get the nwn toolset??
I really wanna be the Darth Revan Model really really bad, but I have no idea what to do :(
01-05-2004, 6:59 AM
simple you buy neverwinter nights :)

as far as I know you need NWN to edit KOTOR's scripts

but if someone gives me a place to upload scripts I imagine I could make a malak script that's permanant... I mean there are a bunch of scripts that fire every time you zone, just put the model change at the end of them
01-05-2004, 8:12 AM
When you change worlds does the Revan model still show up? And does he show up in cut scenes?
01-05-2004, 8:59 AM
no and no

ive got the changing worlds part fixed, unsure about cutscenes (at least in the initial waking up cutscene he is invisible havent tested further yet)
12-12-2004, 7:01 PM
Since the script posted here seems to change the PC model for a specific model. What should be the script to switch the PC current app.2da row for another row, permanentelly?
12-13-2004, 2:15 AM
The link won't work.
12-13-2004, 4:13 AM
I can't see the pics either. :(
12-13-2004, 5:19 AM
Originally posted by StoneDragon
The link won't work.

If you and Rook&Pawn will look at the dates this thread was started you will notice that those links were from january. Many of those who posted to this thread aren't even at the forums any longer. This Thread was revived by Xavier2 in relation to a whole other topic. That topic is the script referenced in the top post.


I could be wrong but I believe this script may effect a permanent change untill you send a command to do otherwise.
12-13-2004, 5:36 AM
Originally posted by Darkkender
If you and Rook&Pawn will look at the dates this thread was started you will notice that those links were from january. Many of those who posted to this thread aren't even at the forums any longer. This Thread was revived by Xavier2 in relation to a whole other topic. That topic is the script referenced in the top post.


I could be wrong but I believe this script may effect a permanent change untill you send a command to do otherwise.
I know, but the command DISGUISE_TYPE_N_DARTHREVAN sugests that the change is to a specific model. The set back i think is that it may mantain the changed appearence despite the armor.uti you may be wearing.

I am looking for a specific app.2da entire row instead. Pretty much the same way the disguise property works when attached to .uti file. The set back here is that when you remove the .uti from your inventory the disguise goes away also.

Maybe i should formulate better. I am trying to simulate aging. The game changes face textures but only according to Dark side status. The only other way i could think it could be done is by scripts placed in certains points, where the PC current app.2da row, would be replaced by another custom made row, this one with the aged models and textures.

It can be done using KSE, but of course it is not the same effect than having it happen within the plot.

That said. Does anyone know how should be this script?;)
12-13-2004, 6:44 AM
I know there is a bunch of scripts for darkside lightside transitions in the scripts source.bif I would use those as an example for making use of the above script and see if you can't use those scripts as a foundation for your appearance change that you are attempting.
12-13-2004, 6:35 PM
I have found this interesting code by tk102, that detects the PC app.2da row:
int StartingConditional() {
int nMyAppearance; // declare an integer variable
object oMe; // declare an object variable
oMe=GetFirstPC(); // set the object

//call the function

if (nMyAppearance==73) {
return TRUE;
else {
return FALSE;
Is there a function to adapt this script and make it change the nMyAppearance of the PC?
12-13-2004, 9:39 PM
You'd think there would be a SetAppearanceType but there is not. The disguise effect is probably the closest you'll get.
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