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Just got JA! I Need Some Buddies Online.

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 Reborn Outcast
12-31-2003, 1:49 AM
Hey everyone. I just got JA for Christmas and I'm almost done with the single player missions and I'm planning to go onto multiplayer (like JO) afterwards. I'm gonna need some buddies, or at least some good servers that I can play with, or on. If anyone would like to help me out, I'de really appreciate it. (And I already know how to play, so I don't need any of that "training" crap. :p )
12-31-2003, 6:10 AM
Kurgan's server ( (Down until 5th Jan)

Andy867's server ( (Down too) - |DSL| clan server (Rp's clan) - JK3files server. (NO LAMING) - LC clan server (TK's clan :p) - My clan server (Not always running)

And chop shop servers. (Forgot IP)
 Amidala from Chop Shop
12-31-2003, 6:33 AM

Make sure you understand the new game types that are different from Jedi Outcast: Siege and Power Duel.

I don't know if you got into the whole "honor\saber off = peace\laming" thing in Jedi Outcast. If you liked that kind of thing, go to servers running JA Reloaded Mod, JA+ Mod, or OmniAdminMod. If you disliked that stuff, here are some servers to try first:
12-31-2003, 7:22 AM
Originally posted by |GG|Crow_Nest - JK3files server. (NO LAMING) You're welcome to come anytime, we're like one big family. :)

Originally posted by |GG|Crow_Nest - LC clan server (TK's clan :p) No laming here either, just to warn you. Heh, it can get pretty weird here. :p

Originally posted by |GG|Crow_Nest
And chop shop servers. (Forgot IP) Highly recommended!

Another server I'd like to add, PudsLiG's server.
12-31-2003, 7:25 AM
Originally posted by TK8252MJL
No laming here either, just to warn you. Heh, it can get pretty weird here. :p

Doh, i keep forgetting that laming isnt allowed at LC.
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