I've been following up RichDiesals tutorials and trying them out in JA. My fog has some rendering problems however. They're all set up like this: caulk_nonsolid on all sides. And fog_yavinswamp on the top and bottom. I have multiple brushes like these. Some work and the rest look like you had nocliped into the void. I've used the clipping tool a little. Could that be causing it? Or is it something else?
It's working now... Thanks
But some rendering stuff still remains. Since I've just many blocks there's some brushes with dark side vs a light side from a brush beside it. I guess this is some lightning thing since I've caulked all sides. I'm running with the command -fast Should I change this to something else?
You can leave -fast, even in a final compile. However, I don't really understand what you mean with your post. Could you post a screenshot?
If you tell me how to do it
keep yur brushs simple, use one big sqr for each section of fog you want, also i heard keeping fog brushs on the grid line helps too ( gridsize 6 or something along them lines, no pun intended ) i wish i could find where i read this but it also applies to water brushs and can prevent the solid brush error.
also try just making the brush outta the fog shader without using chaulk_nonsolid, that works fine for me and hasnt caused any solid errors yet ( but only do this if the brush is not touching another fog brush )
and dont forget theres a worldspawn option to cover whole map in fog if you wish to, hope this helps :)