The Main question you know as to start cutscene? In NWN cutscenemode
And in Kotor'e what?? I have studied the scripts, but yet has not found the decision......
And why speakstring don't work how get debug message???
Last time I hard studied the script. I have made new party NPC and
Has studied a little mechanism Ai for NPC. As small successes with dialogues
However them to edit still there is no opportunity. Me interests than
Except for NWN explorer still it is possible to open dlg, utc files. If to learn it will be
normal to edit dialogues it is by the precondition to do(make) a good plot and new tasks.
Whether exists the documentation on files Kotor. I shall be very grateful for this information.
Цe can together make new ideas for Mod or at least exchange knowledge here on a forum. That
that I have changed yours Mod that slightly it was only in research, now I work above the
author's project.
Now I preparing Mod where I try to turn a plot of game in the other direction. You from a
beginning of game occur on Taris, then receive the task to destroy jedis with Korriban.
I have already enough knowledge for creation a Mod, but I want to make really good work.
sorry for my worse english