Originally posted by [LoS]Teo
Only because I haven't seen it mentioned anywhere at all, and because EVERYONE who runs a dueling server wants it, I'd merely suggest someone add:
-Unlimited duels or a method to control the amount of duels that can occur simultaneously.
-The ability to remove the glow around duelers to improve FPS.
-Make everyone around the duelers disappear (this was lovely in JK2)
-Allow health/shields to regen to 100/100 when entering and after the duel.
-Possible announcement of the winner's health/shields.
These are HUGE draws for a lot of people in JKA, and a reason I stumbled across OJP. We're running Omni Adminmod currently on our server, but we're looking for something to enhance the saber combat, as most duelers are not happy in the least with it.
Sorry that I am merely an observer who cannot contribute in terms of actual coding. While these are all hella sweet features, you got the wrong mod dude. This is OJP, not Duelers mod. We wanted to impliment the non-interferance code (the making everyone else disappear while in a duel) & Lee said no, so unless someone else wants to code it (which is unlikely) then you are only going to find that in Duelers mod. As for the other features, we'll see. You can get info about Duelers at
Also, the adminmod is server side only. Duelers is client & server side. Most of the stuff you want is already in Jedi Academy Reloaded which is also a server-side only mod, so I recommend you roll with that. That site is at
http://jamod.jk2files.com.Originally) posted by razorace
I don't really see the point. If you're going to only play one-on-one anyway, you should play Duel gametypes. I can understand changing the Duel modes to allow simultanous duels, but FFA means FFA.The point is people hate waiting to duel. This is the main purpose of the multi-duel code & why there are more FFA servers than duel servers, people just hate waiting to play. If they go to an FFA server that allows multiple private duels, they can duel with alot less of a wait time.Originally posted by razorace
Plus, the 100/100 health idea just screams gameplay abuse (in non-duel modes). People would always try to enter into a saber challenge when low on health and then complain when the attacker doesn't compile. If someone is entering into a private duel, the fight is now between those 2 people at that point. If the server wants it to be straight up FFA, then they shouldn't allow private duels in the first place. Perhaps a CVar for setting the number of private duels at the same time would be in order; Like you set it to 0 & that's infinite (if you wanted to allow no private duels, you would disable the existing CVar & not the new one), 1 is for 1, etc; etc. with a max number of 99.
This is actually a pretty common complaint among FFA users. They want an FFA game with no private dueling but most people out there want 1v1 dueling with no wait time, which again is why I was pushing for the multi-duel mode. The problem with it in JK2 is no one knew about Duelers, yet alone the new duel mode.
Either way, this would be optional by the server. I'm pretty sure the base game already gives you 100 health upon the start of a private duel but I'm not positive. My opinion is, it should make sure each person has 100/0 health at the beginning of a private duel (& disables the ability to use bacta). 100/100 gets to be a little much, especially for single users. I think there should be a cvar for what the shields should be set to upon the start of a private duel so if someone has 100 shields & the cvar is set to 0, it gets set to 0; If the CVar is set to -1 then the health points (NOT shield) are unchanged upon the start of the private duel.Originally posted by razorace
Well, don't get your hopes up. We are not going to put in a bunch of very abusable admin commands.
However, everything else is up for grabs. I'm handling the saber system but you're going to have to take someone else to do any sort of duel alterations. Chosen One already did most of this in JAR already, I'm sure he'd be willing to put it in OJP for everyone as well.Originally posted by t3rr0r
DFA (duel for all), anyone? :D i agree. if anything, challenges should be taken out entirely. >_< Yet again, back to the common complaints among FFA users. I understand your point of view; FFA should be FFA but most people want 1v1 duels & duel mode just takes too long. This is another reason why I will be aiding Lee (*/me shutters*) in the publicity aspect of Duelers.