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Q3 Arena shaders: Work in JA?

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 Druid Bremen
12-09-2003, 6:51 AM
Is the shader code for Q3 changed, so that it does not work for JA? Whenever I load up a md3 made for Q3, I get: WARNING: Activate shader failed for (namehere)
12-09-2003, 9:18 AM
It's probably related to the use of a .md3. JKA has been modifed to mainly use .glm format for models.
 Druid Bremen
12-09-2003, 11:44 AM
Are we talking about the same thing? What I mean is, a map model, not the player models lol.
12-09-2003, 4:45 PM
ok. Post the shader file then.
 Druid Bremen
12-10-2003, 6:38 AM
Nevermind, just tell me all the differences between JA shader code and Q3 shader code, so I can replace the parts of the code, to the best of your knowledge.

Edit: I revised my decision, here's the code:

surfaceparm alphashadow
cull disable
animmap 15 models/mapobjects/flame/flame.jpg models/mapobjects/flame/flame01.jpg models/mapobjects/flame/flame02.jpg models/mapobjects/flame/flame03.jpg models/mapobjects/flame/flame04.jpg models/mapobjects/flame/flame05.jpg
blendfunc add
rgbGen identity

map models/mapobjects/flame/flame.jpg
tcMod scroll 1 1
rgbGen identity
map models/mapobjects/flame/lord.tga
blendfunc blend
rgbgen vertex

But I still would like you to give me the differences between JA shader code and Q3 shader code.
12-10-2003, 8:14 AM
Well, it might be because your models/mapobjects/flame/lord.tga is in .tga format. Try converting it to .png. In addition, .pngs are smaller and lossless.
 Druid Bremen
12-10-2003, 8:17 AM
Omg I forgot about that lol! I'll try that and see. Thanks.

Edit: Didn't work.

Fine... I'll give you what's in the models/mapmodels/flame directory, before I converted to .png.
lord.tga -------------I converted these 2.

Also, am I supposed to change the cull disabled to cull twosided?
12-10-2003, 10:08 AM
No, I think that command still works...
 Druid Bremen
12-10-2003, 10:57 AM
Everything doesn't work.
12-10-2003, 6:35 PM
Try removing the shader file and see if it works ingame.
 Druid Bremen
12-11-2003, 2:04 AM
What? Removing the shader file?? The model requires the shader to work, for there is an animation, for the flame to seem to move. I think it needs the shader file. But I'll try.
 Lil Killa
12-11-2003, 3:57 AM
All Q3 shaders work in JA as long as the corect files are included with the shader...

I think I know wha is wrong with the shader..

1. As far as I know your not supposed to have the .jpg extension anywhere in a shader file.

2. This chunk of data looked screwy just at a glance:

animmap 15 models/mapobjects/flame/flame.jpg models/mapobjects/flame/flame01.jpg models/mapobjects/flame/flame02.jpg models/mapobjects/flame/flame03.jpg models/mapobjects/flame/flame04.jpg models/mapobjects/flame/flame05.jpg
blendfunc add
rgbGen identity

Try either getting rid of the .jpg extension or make it .tga (yes I know the files are .jpg's but that's just how a shader works.) Also that "chunk" of stuff just blobed together like that looks wrong but as I don't know completely what this shader does I can't realy say much more..

Again get rid of those .jpg file extensions in some way, shape, or form as they have "something" to do with your shader not working. (Check the original shader, if there was one, to see what extension were used in it.)
 Druid Bremen
12-11-2003, 4:20 AM
Bah, this IS the original shader. And yes, that did seem screwy to me, but I did not dare edit it. What should I convert the .jpg to?
12-11-2003, 8:45 AM
ACtually that's not nessicary. The engine automatically tries different file extentions if it can't find them. I beleive the order is jpg->png->tga.
 Druid Bremen
12-11-2003, 11:06 AM
Unless... Someone help me rewrite the shader code? I'll send the model to you if you want. I'm desperate, I really want this model.
12-11-2003, 7:43 PM
Again, try just running the model without a shader file. You'll at least know if it's the shader file or not.
 Druid Bremen
12-12-2003, 2:15 AM
Err.... I removed the shader. The model turned the color of my wall. The flame turned to caulk. Result in JA is as though I never removed the shader file. WTF!???
12-12-2003, 2:39 AM
It means that it's something wrong with your shader file. If no shader for a given texture is inputted, I beleive it just uses the default shader settings.
 Druid Bremen
12-13-2003, 1:51 AM
Umm.. So... Do I send the entire model with textures and shader to you? HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELLLP!
12-13-2003, 3:19 AM
Sorry, but no. I have plenty of crap to work on as is.
 Druid Bremen
12-13-2003, 6:39 AM
Does that mean I have to give this up?
12-13-2003, 7:36 PM
no, it means you're going to have to learn shaders on your own (
 Druid Bremen
12-14-2003, 4:53 AM
Bah, I can't assimilate all that information at once. Darn.. Looks like I'll have to use another model.
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