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Water with waves?

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12-07-2003, 11:49 AM
How can I create water that makes up-down waves on it's top? I remember seeing water like this in single player.
Also what is the correct way of doing flowing water? I'd like to create a water pipe from where water falls down to my pool. Any texture suggestions?
12-07-2003, 1:18 PM
There are some good river textures in "h_evil".
12-07-2003, 2:27 PM
Originally posted by |GG|Carl
There are some good river textures in "h_evil".

What map is "h_evil"?
 Druid Bremen
12-08-2003, 12:50 PM
Is it the... First level? There's rivers there.
12-08-2003, 2:52 PM
Take a look at any water shader in the game. To make water "flow" by just translating the texture map, add the line tcMod scroll <xspeed> <yspeed>. However, for water falling from a pipe, it might be better to use an effect.

You can then make waves in two ways: first, you could add another texture map on top of the base one (for example, check out Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory's Seawall Battery map). Another, cooler way is to use deformVertexes wave <div> <func> <base> <amplitude> <phase> <freq>. This will make the surface of the water actually bulge in and out. Check out the Q3A shader manual, and experiment.
12-08-2003, 8:06 PM
h_evil is the map filled with noghris (you know, those blue "frankensteins").
12-09-2003, 3:59 AM
Originally posted by |GG|Carl
h_evil is the map filled with noghris (you know, those blue "frankensteins").

That map is "t3_hevil" not h_evil ;P
12-09-2003, 9:42 AM
The texture folder is h_evil.
12-18-2003, 12:30 AM
OK. i cant help you with the flowing water because i dont even know how to palce water. can someone help me with it?
02-04-2004, 1:24 PM
Originally posted by wedge2211
To make water "flow" by just translating the texture map, add the line tcMod scroll <xspeed> <yspeed>.
Where to add it?
02-05-2004, 3:27 PM
Okay in order to make these functions work you must have some knowledge of shader files. The easiest way to make these WATER functions work is to COPY the water shader file you want and just ADD the lines that WEDGE has posted. Then call the shader whatever name you want. Still having trouble? The easiest way to EDIT shader files is in NOTEPAD.
02-06-2004, 3:51 PM
Allright, I get it.
02-12-2004, 6:43 PM
sry just wondering if anyone out there knows what effect files were used by raven in Ord Mantell Canyon (ffa_bonus4) map to make that water gushing outta that pipe and to make the little tiny drops of water dripping from the ceiling....
those look amazing dont ya think?
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