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The who is thread

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12-01-2003, 9:51 PM
This is a thread that i will be asking who is....? Go aheaf\d and ask your own who is questions if you want. (I would have continued in my first thread, but sadly it was closed because i sounded like a moron. O well. I hope i dont sound like a moron now.) :wstupid:

First question:
Who is Jenna Zan Arbor? Please tell me species, and how he/she takes place in the Star Wars Universe.
12-02-2003, 12:13 PM
I am *not* being condescending when I ask if English is your first language ? But your question is a bit clearer this time so perhaps the mods won't shut you down ! I have included the answer to your question below but if you have more "who is" type questions, please just go to the CUSWE (Completely Unofficial SW Encyclopaedia), otherwise the mods will probably get pissed off at you....(?)

As for Jenna, from the CUSWE

Zan Arbor, Jenna
a native of the planet Ventrux, this noted transgenic scientist earned fame early in her career by creating a vaccine to a space virus which threatened an entire planet. She then devoted her career to helping low-technology planets like Melasaton overcome their difficulties. Jenna was also a good friend of the Belascan Senator, Uta S'orn. About twelve years before the Battle of Naboo, she reserved Didi Oddo's cafй for a dinner party on an anonymous tip from Fligh. However, she didn't like the atmosphere and claimed the food was too cold, and swept out of the cafй with her entourage. It was during this party that the Sorrusian bounty hunter, Ona Nobis, who had been tracking Didi, sneaked into the cafй and laid a trap for the Oddos. Meanwhile, Jenna took the opportunity to capture Qui-Gon Jinn and transport him to Simpla-12, where she had been conducting experiments into the nature of the Force. Jenna revealed that many of her magnanimous actions in saving dying worlds were engineered by her own hand, as a way to earn the credits necessary to fund her private experiments. On worlds such as Belasco and Mindemir, she had purposely poisoned the water supply with bacteria she herself had engineered, then played the part of savior when she suddenly "discovered" the antidote. The unsuspecting planetary governments paid large sums of credits to have the bacteria neutralized. Many of the actions on these planets were ratified by the Old Republic Senate, although it was later revealed that Senator S'orn had falsified the voting in order to ensure Arbor Industries was given the chance to "solve" the problems. Zan Arbor claimed that her experiments were simply helping evolution along, culling the weak and allowing the strong to survive. She had begun her experiements into the nature of the Force on Ren S'orn, but found that a Jedi Master would be a better subject. She kept Qui-Gon in a specialized chamber, connected to several implants which could detect his connection to the Force. She knew that the Force was attuned to the body's chemical makeup, and traced its basis to the blood, but couldn't determine the exact connection. Her plans began to fall apart after she captured Qui-Gon, when the Jedi began to try and capture her. She fled Simpla-12 for Belasco, hoping to take another favor from Uta S'orn and draw out the Jedi. Despite her subterfuge and guile, Zan Arbor was captured by Qui-Gon and later exiled on a penal colony for her actions.

Jenna of course appeared in the Jedi Apprentice books :
Dangerous Rescue, The Deadly Hunter, and Evil Experiment

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