Uhh.. when I try to compile my map I get an error saying it can't find my .prt file...
Are you using GtkRadiant? If you have BSP monitoring on, i think the .prt file isnt created if there are errors such as leaks in the map.
Ya, i am using that.. and I fixed all the leaks in my map and it was still doing the same thing after... besides the leak errors
Hmm, i cant think of anything else at the moment. Sometimes tools such as 'Hollow' and 'CSG Subtract', which are seriously flawed tools, can lead to errors on the map. I dont know if this has anything to do with this or not. I will try to investigate. Or perhaps Wedge :) could help.
Since Wedge is still making sleepy noises, I'll see what I can do inj the meanwhile. :p
But really, I can't do much without knowing what your compile line was!
yeah, we really need to look at the compile line before troubleshooting.
Well after loking for leakes I would to a brush clean up (blue and green arrows in uper left corner of GTK) It's got to be a leak or s screwed patch or brush....
Seeing your compile would help alot though :p Then we could just give you a simple solution...
I must of patched bout 30 holes... but its done :D
but the outside of my map is a mess lol