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Stargate Mod - pics included

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11-13-2003, 5:09 PM
Ok here's some work from the Stargate JK-3 Mod, the reason I post it is I hope some people will see it and want to help out. I really would love some player modellers, I would love them more than anything right now :p

The mod's site is at

We're currently working on a siege map and it would finish it off perfectly if players really were Stargate characters.
 kel-dor male
11-13-2003, 10:09 PM
Those look cool, it's to bad that I do not have Jedi Academy, only Jedi outcast :(
12-16-2003, 9:21 PM
Bump, in case you didnt already know, SG4REALJA is currently available at and and there is currently a Siege map in the making but the mod needs more people, and preferably someone with an understanding of the engine, mapping/modelling, and has good leadership skills. There is also a Death glider in the works by Manquesa. You can visit the site here and make sure to contact Wade if you can help in modelling, mapping, character moddelling or coding.
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