Hello to all,
Ive been playing grim fandango for a fw days now, and am running it on windows XP (and it runs fine, and hopefully will keep doing so, althought I cant get the graphics as good as they have on the GamSpot walkthrough, how did htye do that??? ) However I run it on my gaming computer wich has a 20.1" LCD screen, and is made to run at a very high resolution (1600x1200 I think), and it does seem to have trouble fitting in the screen, ie it alwys slices a bot (either of the top or bottom). Nothing seems to fix this. Anyway I was wandering if it is possibel to play Grim Fandango in a window, like it is possible to do with quite a few games from that era. If you know how to do it please let me know.
Thanks for your help!
Best Regards,
Pomidor :D
Yeah, there are two ways to run Grim windowed - read this (