Hey i know a game, we played it on the monkey island forum a long time age (yes,i had another id then) this is how it works. one of us thinks of a word starting with the "A", the next one thinks of a word starting with the "B", the next one with the "C" and so on. the words have to come from the monkey island games, i'll start for example
A: Alpha monkey
then the next one as the "B"
B: Banana
Well, if you want to play think of a word starting with the "C"
Dinky....*shoots self for obivious-ness*
Elaine... ok so its even more obvious :P
Freaking Jumping Monkeys! ut's the alphabet game! Haven't seen this is a while.
G: Guybrush (okay so its the most painfully obvious monkey island thing ever but what the hey)
H is for Horatio Torquemada Marley, you betcha boy.
L = Lemonhead (the coolest cannibal ever to kickass.....er, i just hav a thang 4 lemons, ok?)
M... Oh crap, I can't think of anything that goes with M. oh well, I guess that's the end of the game then.
Oh Okay, Mort! :D