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The plans of death

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 Black Knight of Keno
10-11-2003, 6:51 PM
Tepe walks near Apo and looks him and with the computer in his helmet he searches info about him.
"Hmm... You really are a jedi..." Tepe takes his repeater rifle out and keeps it in his hands pointing to ground
10-11-2003, 7:37 PM
"Yeah i am and..Lets see..." Apo consentrates..." So you hear about the super weapon to and you have engine trouble Well i have some extra parts i can be of some assist to you My ship is loaded with turbo lasers and i belive my experimental cloaking device of my own design can sneak in with you." So whats your plan?
10-11-2003, 8:26 PM
"Well, it seems like Tepe has info on where the Destroyer went. And I thank you for the power cell. We could use the help of a jedi."
10-11-2003, 10:15 PM
"Yes well my ship is a souped up X-wing Small Turbolasers, small cloaking device, Tractor beam, Modified wings and engines . The works I belive i can help you out just give me the plan and i cant probably help."
Apo looks around. "Hmmm i think i have a plan: If we can find this star destroyer You can sneak in with your imp ships and just tell me and i can get a bit of rouge squadron to assits you and we can cause chaos while you do your stuff. But destroying the ship has to be your job i can only get a few ships of rouge squadron and make it quick. Sound good or do you have another plan?"
10-12-2003, 9:23 AM
"Well thanks buddy, but we already have a plan.
We sneak into the Destroyer, take the plans and leave. If we fail, the Rouge Squadron will come and blast the thing. As easy as that...."
Shade got the power cell from Apolo and installed it in his ship.
"Ok, Tepe, where now?"
 Black Knight of Keno
10-12-2003, 12:36 PM
"They jumped out of hyperspace near Endor... Then they blasted the transimitter I put on the ships side... They can't jump to hyperspace in fifteen minutes because my transmitter sucked energy from the ships hyperdrive when they were in hyperspace..."
Then Tepe looked the Jedi "My name is Tepe...", he said and then he looked Shade. "You still have my special telecom? I'm going to check if the ship's still there..."
Tepe walked in his fighter and blasted off from the asteroid and jumped to hyperspace
10-12-2003, 12:47 PM
"Ok, Seth, can you give your extra cloaking device to Zofire. We meet up at Endor, ok?"
With that, Shade blasted into hyperspace.
 Black Knight of Keno
10-12-2003, 1:15 PM
Tepe had gone around the ship checking it. There was the usual lasers and other things.
Only one thing was different... It was not controlled by Sith's or Dark Jedi's
10-12-2003, 2:43 PM
Seth handed Zofire the spare cloaker.
"You know how to use these things?"
10-12-2003, 3:01 PM
"Well I will hang around Endor and notify rouge squadron we will keep low but remember, Your time is limited if they go into hyperspace keep your distress beacon out and call me when you ready to attack"With that said Apo heads to Endor
10-12-2003, 7:01 PM
"OK, try not to blast the bridge while we're there."
10-12-2003, 7:14 PM
"Dont worry *static* hold *static* Tie fighter*static* Rouge squa*static* out of range*static* May*static* Force*static *You..." The connection closed
10-12-2003, 7:21 PM
'Thank you, OK Zofire, entering hyperspace now, remember, activate the cloaker the moment you exit from hyperspace, earlier will wreck it along with you ship, later and you will be detected."
10-12-2003, 8:11 PM
Apo hides behind a moon and waits for the ties to move away."Rouge squadron we need help near Endor plz respond." No answer."Blast! out of range."When the ties pass Apo Makes his way to the Jedi Academy. He tries again "Rouge squadron come in!" he waits and hears something "Rouge squadron here state your name and issue." Apo replys"We have trouble with a star destroyer in Endor I have a plan meet me at the academy."
Apo engages Hyperdrive and aproaches the academy.
10-12-2003, 9:05 PM
(((((Apolo, hate to interfere but since Im the GM off this thread, I want to give the other player a chance to have some fun. We will sneak into the Destroyer, thats it. No big guns blasting everything. Ok?)))))

"Imperial Shuttle 35-98 requesting boarding permission."
"35-98, please send clearence code."
Shade sended the code and then waited for him to get cleared.
He landed in the hangar given to him and watched through the window as four stormtroopers approched the ship.
"Ok, time for some theater"
Shade opened the door and pretended to fall down on the ground.
"Im injured! Please, help me!"
The stormtroopers laid their guns on the ground and ran towards Shade.
Shade pulled out two guns and placed one shot in every stormtroopers chest.
"Why oh why are stormtroopers so stupid?"
10-12-2003, 10:14 PM
Greco approached the Star Destroyer slowly, giving Shade some time to kill the stormtroopers. Slowly he landed it in the hangar and uncloaked it. He landed and approached Shade
"Zofire here yet?"
 Darth NeoVenom
10-12-2003, 10:21 PM
(Out of character: Sorry I don't reply quickly. It'z because I'm not on the computer that much.)


Zofire says to Greco, "Thanks for the info. I'm ust to all this mechanical stuff. See you on Endor." She then slides the slide cargo door shut and starts up the engine.

"Hope you like Endor R9" She then pats R9 on the head. R9 beeps and whistles. The Slave II lifts off the asteroid and hyperspaces towards Endor.
10-12-2003, 11:09 PM
Mean while: Apo arrives at the academy and runs into Luke "Well master Luke long time but we have no time to lose rouge squadron is coming..."Luke interupts "I know Apologetic Go ahead we have already prepared the Audience chamber" Thank you master Luke" Apo runs to the Chamber when he arrive he hears the sound of aproaching starships....
10-13-2003, 1:45 PM
(((((Apolo, no Rouge Squadron please...Not yet)))))))))

Shade turned to face Greco and shook his head.
"No, haven't seen here. OK, we have to find the plans, and blow up this ship. Can you try to deactivate the Tractor beam and then move upwards to the Command deck? Then we all meet there."
10-13-2003, 1:48 PM
((((No not in your area dont worry i wont bring'em out early))))
Meanwhil,Apo calms the crowd of pilots"Ok we need to hurry These guys have a plan here it is."Apo explains the plan

((((No they wont attack yet))))
10-13-2003, 2:31 PM
"Agreed. I'll meet you there" With that Greco unhoilstered his blaster and headed for the tractor control station.
10-13-2003, 2:46 PM
Shade hided the bodies of the stormtroopers, and took a stormtrooper outfit from a locker :D.
He then quickly walked towards the cellblocks, to look over the prisoner register. He wondered if....No, probably not. They couldn't have killed her. Not yet.
10-13-2003, 2:52 PM
Mean while at the academy: Apo continues his briefing."Ok most of you should kno how to tear a star destroyer apart. We do not move until i give you the orders. Now y team..."
 Darth NeoVenom
10-14-2003, 4:47 PM
Zofire goes into hyperspace and reaches the location of where the star destroyer is last seen. "Where can it be R9?" Zofire says. R9 beeps. "Let me contact one of these guys."

Zofire pushes a button and speaks thru the comlink, "Come in. Come in anybody." She then waits for a reply.
10-14-2003, 5:01 PM
"Shade here, have you landed yet?"
Shade moved into a empty room, to not be heard by the Empire
 Black Knight of Keno
10-14-2003, 5:56 PM
Tepes TIE goes to an specific hangar that is used only by TIE's.
Tepe comes out and the storteooper walk by him as every stormtrooper. He looks around, takes his repeater rifle out and walked out of the hangar and a Officer cam towards him.
"Oh... Hello sir!" the officer said to Tepe.
"What the... That gotta be a misunderstanding..." Tepe thought and continued his walking.
Then he started talking to the special comlin "Shade, Shade... Where are you? I'm near Hangar... ... B-15 and walking towards level 2 elevator..." He stopped walking, noticed an open door and goed in checking that it was empty. It was an storage room. Not so big but defenatly a storing room.
Hw locked the door and checked some boxes finding one thermal detonator and some ammo to stormtrooper rifle model 5-B-43. The one that Shade got with the uniform
10-14-2003, 6:02 PM
"Im moving towards the cellblocks, level C-7. Greco is disabling the tractor beem. Can you try to get the codes to the main computer? And then meet me at the commander deck?"
With that, Shade entered the cellblocks.
It was deserted and Shade started checking the cellblock list, looking for a certain name...
 Black Knight of Keno
10-14-2003, 6:14 PM
"Consider it done, Shade" Tepe said and goes throught the unlocked and opened door.
He runs to the elevator and soon he was in a little room full of computers and crew.
"Everybody!! Leave here emmediatly!!" Tepe shouted and everybody leaved.
"This misunderstood could be an advantage to me..." He thought, locked the door and took some machine parts out of his bag.
he opened a little screen that he took from his bag and connected it to an R2 unit's part. "Hmm... This cant be good... Wrong information..." He said to himself.
"Shade, I got to the general files but one of the files are heavily guarded. If I try to break the firewall, they trace me in a blink and soon we'd be all dead. I think the file contains all codes..."
10-14-2003, 6:37 PM
"damn, that's no good. Can you bypass the alarm?"
Shade looked down at the computer screen again.
"Nat'me. Freed. Usable information"
Usable information? Nat'me hadn't usable information...Not what he knew off.
 Black Knight of Keno
10-14-2003, 6:56 PM
"I can try..."
Tepe started to do something and then contacted Shade.
"No way... I can't do it... Dammit... Sending some info, my comlink allso has a screen on the back. Hold on... What's this... Some kind of code but its way too big to be a central computer code... The info is now in the comlink... I try to search what is this code..."
10-14-2003, 7:37 PM
Shade looked at the info...
"Ok, Tepe, can you download the file into a R2 or a datapad?"
Shade was thinking off a desperate plan....
10-14-2003, 8:02 PM
Greco reached the tractor control room. He dropped out from the vent, coincidentially on a gaurd. Greco took the gaurds uniform, and got to work. He hacked the computer, and de-activated the tractor beam. Then he disabled the cameras and alarms. Finally he changed the codes for all of the above.
"Hey Tepe, what number hangar are you in?"
10-14-2003, 8:11 PM
"Hangar 35-99-AB, i Would guess...."
"You done with the tractor beam? Can you try to place some explosives then, we have a problem with the codes..."
10-14-2003, 8:26 PM
Greco closes every hangar doors except where he, and shade landed.
"Yeah, lemmy, guess, the core, the bridge, and the engine?"
10-14-2003, 8:30 PM
Mean while at the academy: Apo continues the briefing "Ok guys we all clear?" Everyone nods"Ok boys get preped and follow me when your done.Ready...Do your stuff."
 Darth NeoVenom
10-14-2003, 11:13 PM
Zofire travels for a bit and spots the star destroyer. "Finally. We found it R9." She then lowers the Slave II and unboards the ship. She spots a couple of stormtroopers and takes out her modified blaster rifle and takes down all of them.

After a long crossfire, Zofire takes out her comlink and contacts everyone. "I'm on hanger 12-34-CD. R9 is going to try and open this hanger door." She then faces R9, "Open the door R9." R9 goes to the hanger door's computer and a little are comes out. It goes to work on the computer's wires.
10-14-2003, 11:20 PM
Apo over looks them getting ready."Hey you there i dont think they need us for a while let me help modify you droid." Apo looks at the droid deactivates it does something and activates it again."Watch OK r-675 scan" The droid shoots a beam tot he ship and runs it across then the droid beeps."Ok he says theres nothing wrong."Apo walks off "Thanks"the pilot says
10-14-2003, 11:41 PM
Greco ran out of the Bridge, half the star destroyer crew chasing him.
10-14-2003, 11:51 PM
Meanwhile at the Academy: "Ok guys lets go"Apo boards his ship and takes off.The rest of rouge squadron follows"Lets go boys follow my coordinates"Apo and rouge squadron enter Hyperspace
 Darth NeoVenom
10-15-2003, 12:26 AM
"Get ready R9. Greco and stormtroopers areheading this way." Zofire says as she makes sure her blaster rifle is fully loaded. She then says to Greco thru the comlink, "When you reach the hanger's doors, get ready to jump. There's going to be trip mines all over the buttom of the entrance."

R9 fixes the wires so that the Hanger doors open. Zofire hears a hissing sound as the doors open. She then carefully places trip mines at the buttom. "Ok the trip mines are set. These should take care of those stormtroopers. She then speaks thru the comlink again to Greco, "When you reach the doors, be sure to jump up. I'll catch you, so that the blast won't affect you." She then activates her jetpack.

"R9, you'll be safe behind those crates." she says to R9. R9 then heads towards the crates and oes behind them. Zofire than waits patiently for Greco to reach the hanger.
10-15-2003, 12:30 AM
She didn't have to wait long. Soon Greco came in running. He jumped, turning around in mid air and firing at the stormtroopers before Zofire caught him.
10-15-2003, 12:33 AM
While in hyperspace: "Ok guys listen when we break we stay out of range of the destroyer scopes,and we only move when i say."

 Darth NeoVenom
10-15-2003, 12:34 AM
Zofire quickly flies towards greco and catches him. She then flies upward avoiding the blast radius of the trip mines. The stormtroopers look up anddidn't see the trip mine. The trip mines go off and stormtroopers are scattered around the hanger. Zofire then flies back down and puts down Greco. "That took care of them." Zofire says to Greco. R9 then comes out from behind the crates and head towards Zofire and Greco.
10-15-2003, 12:40 AM
Roug squadrohn and Apo break out of Hyperspace behind endors moon."Be ready guys"
10-15-2003, 10:44 AM
"Thanks, where's the rest of the guys?"
 Black Knight of Keno
10-15-2003, 11:18 AM
Tepe shot five guards and tried the hack the hangar door even a little open. Tepe had downloaded some data from the computers in the room he was in. Now he looked the hangar door.
"No time to hack the door computer..."
Then he took out the thermal detonator he took from the crate in the computer room and threw it next to a little crak on the hangar door. The detonator blowed up and made a hole in the door.
Tepe runned towards his ship and soon he was in his ship and contacted the others.
"Hey!! Let's get the hell out of here!! By the way, Shade I got some data from the computers that could help us... Where to now? I'm in hangar B-14-ATIE"
 Darth NeoVenom
10-15-2003, 12:15 PM
Before Zofire could answer the question that Greco asked, she hears the message from Tepe. "I think we'll going to meet some where else other than hear. Is your ship close by?" she questions Greco.
 Black Knight of Keno
10-15-2003, 12:34 PM
"Shade, meet me in Endor... I will give the data in there..." Then the connection broke down and soon Tepe's TIE landed on Endor and Tepe walked out.
 Darth NeoVenom
10-15-2003, 12:36 PM
"If you need to hitch a ride, I have an extra sit on the Slave II." Zofire says to Greco. "Come R9, let's go." Zofire and R9 than head towards the ship.
10-15-2003, 1:40 PM
"Let me see....bombs planted, clearence code I don't have... We will have to blow up the place...."
With that, Shade turned around and walked back towards his ship. Suddenly, an alarm sounded informing Rebel ships had been spotted....
"Dammit... Greco! Blow up the bombs when you are at safe distance!"
Shade started running towards his ship. He might make it.
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