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Tie Fighter????

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 Matt Skywalker
02-21-2000, 10:08 AM
Where can I get the Tie fighter?????
02-21-2000, 12:45 PM
You must get a gold medal on every level (including extra levels) or there are cheat codes which are bad. Cheating bad.
 Rick Gateley
02-21-2000, 3:05 PM
To get the tie fighter on the pc, type in WOOKIEPELT-to get the Millenium Falcon, and then type in GOODGUYTIE-which will allow you to get the tie fighter. The tie fighter is locared behind the Millenium Falcon. It is trickey to get. GOOD LUCK!

Y-Wing expert
04-09-2000, 9:00 PM
When you get to the milleneom falcan you have to hold your joystick back and wait till nit brings you to the tie.
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