Just finished the models and skins for these two vehicles and now i need to figure out how to set the speed, acceleration, turning rate and all this fiting to the vehicles.
>speeder bike
it would be nice if some of you would help me to find the right balance and discuss it. all this attributes are in the ext_data/vehicles .veh file. this file is simply editable with WordPad and the is mostly selfexplaining.
everyone willing to help and test it post here or sent me a mail.
for pics look some posts below.
the models are out, here are the links
for questions you can contact me here
canґt wait for those pics.
sweet, will the STAP be able to fire?
Nice to see you around Duncan! Good luck. I would love to beta test them BTW. Willyou release that sweet droideka as well?
Thanks CraZy_B, sure i am still working on my droideka. i made these two vehicles to learn how to finaly bring my droideka in game. it realy looks like it will work perfectly. i still have to make some more animations and find out how to toggle rolling, energy shield and such things.
The Cheat, i hope the STAP will fire, at least it did when i used it the last time :)
i would love to help test these for you, strider74205@yahoo.com
Dunc, if alright wiht oyu, can we go like the old times? I beta your work?
i would love to see some screens of these vehicles
as you requested duncan, here are some pics
the speeder bike is really good, except for a few small details, the rear end of the bike is kinda too long, it seems out of proportion from the rest of the bike. Also i assume these are temp skins and they are very good for that but the bike shouldbe mostly brown not green. Other than that only the pedals should stick out below the bike back more towards the rider, but since i don't know whether or not you can change the way the rider sits it may not be practical to move them back that far. Great model though!
The stap model is almost prefect except that i think it should be a bit taller so the rider won't be so hunched over, but again i don't know whether you can change his posture or not. lol
I'm going to try and fiddle with the .veh files tomorrow.
Great job with these, hopefully this will encourage more people to make vehicle models!!!
thanks Strider for posting the pics.
both skins are made very simple, just for a better view in this test. i dont think they are final, specialy the speeeder bike could need lot more detail. if someone wants to make a skin for it, let me know.
the back part of the speeder bike is realy a bit long. on the other side it gives it a view of more rear center of the vehicle. but i will take a look back on some reference pics and on the model.
what do the other testers think of the long back part?
yeah, it isnt posible to change the riders posture. there are only two basic posture, one is this (btw both the same) and the other is for the tauntaun, so for an animal. on the speeder bike i made other paddels to fit the drivers feet.
the same problem is with the STAP size, if i make it taller, the rider sits to deep or i have position the paddels much to high.
sweet looking vehicles, i cant wait for these things to be released
well since we can't change the posture all my concerns about that can be stricken from the record. :D
As I said I would like to beta test them. If youre interested please send them here Duncan e-mail (bgiran@freemail.hu)
CraZy_B, i am uploading the models to your mail right now.
so you should have it now, when you read it :)
BTW, i made a shift to the droideka model, i am learning the .veh file to know now. there are a lot of vehicles and models possible.
i would also like to test your model. my email is [email]jrob309@bellsouth.net
amazing. no more can i say.
No pictures here guys, sorry. :(
But, these are excellent, my only crit to you Duncan is, make the backup on the speeder_bike a bit faster, it goes REALLY slow now.
Keep up the great work Duncan!
well duncan, I fixed up the steering so it's damn good right now. I can work on the back up speed if you wish.
Well I think they are pretty damn good as they are, but fix up the speeder bike to be brown and then put some shaders on the STAP and Speeder bike so that they have a realistic look. The STAP should be very shiny reflective like and the speeder a very rusty flat like metalic shader. ( hope that makes sense :\ )
I kept crashing into the rancor and it kept grabbing me XD
Hellfire, you wrote the speeder bike is to slow?
the speedMax for the models are right now:
STAP 1000
speeder_bike 1300
jkr swoops 1300 (the one modified by chrono)
what speed should they have? i made the speeder less sliding so he is better to drive. this and the speed shouldnt make it overweighted, it needs some kind of balance.
InsaneSith, you fixed the steering, what vehicle, how did you set it? could you post the changes you made here?
we have to discuss if all vehicles should have the same setting or if they should be different. the on a bit faster but less maneuverable and more sliding, or a faster or longer turbo. we could also mod the swoops so they match the new vehicles.
one point more, what about the weapons? all the same weapons, firing speed, weapon energy and recharge? what do you think?
name stap
numHands 2
lookYaw 45
lookPitch 20
length 32
width 32
height 128
centerOfGravity "-0.222 0 0"
speedMax 1000
speedMin -200
turboSpeed 1800
turboDuration 4000
turboRecharge 8000
acceleration 30
decelIdle 10
strafePerc 0.5
bankingSpeed 0.5
rollLimit 45
pitchLimit 80
braking 10
mouseYaw 0.05
turningSpeed 6
turnWhenStopped 10
traction 12
friction 1.5
maxSlope 0.65
mass 200
armor 2000
toughness 80.0
malfunctionArmorLevel 2000
model stap
radarIcon "gfx/menus/radar/swoop"
riderAnim BOTH_VS_IDLE
soundOn "sound/vehicles/swoop/on.mp3"
soundLoop "sound/vehicles/swoop/loop.wav"
exhaustFX "ships/burner"
impactFX "ships/scrape_sparks"
turboFX "ships/jet"
turboStartFX "ships/swoop_turbo_start"
flammable 1
explosionRadius 200
explosionDamage 500
explodeFX "ships/swoop_explosion"
explosionDelay 4500
wakeFX "ships/vehicle_wake"
gravity 800
waterProof 1
bouyancy 1
hoverHeight 30
hoverStrength 35
cameraOverride 1
cameraRange 125
cameraVertOffset 0
cameraPitchOffset 0
cameraFOV 100
cameraAlpha 0
weap1 swoop_laser
weap1Delay 100
weap1AmmoMax 2000
weap1AmmoRechargeMS 200
weapMuzzle1 swoop_laser
weapMuzzle2 swoop_laser
name speeder_bike
numHands 2
lookYaw 45
lookPitch 20
length 192
width 32
height 32
centerOfGravity "-0.222 0 0"
speedMax 1300
speedMin -200
turboSpeed 2000
turboDuration 4000
turboRecharge 15000
acceleration 30
decelIdle 10
strafePerc 0.5
bankingSpeed 0.5
rollLimit 45
pitchLimit 80
braking 10
mouseYaw 0.05
turningSpeed 5
turnWhenStopped 10
traction 12
friction 3
maxSlope 0.65
mass 200
armor 2000
toughness 80.0
malfunctionArmorLevel 1000
model speeder_bike
radarIcon "gfx/menus/radar/swoop"
riderAnim BOTH_VS_IDLE
soundOn "sound/vehicles/swoop/on.mp3"
soundLoop "sound/vehicles/swoop/loop.wav"
exhaustFX "ships/burner"
impactFX "ships/scrape_sparks"
turboFX "ships/jet"
turboStartFX "ships/swoop_turbo_start"
flammable 1
explosionRadius 200
explosionDamage 500
explodeFX "ships/swoop_explosion"
explosionDelay 4500
wakeFX "ships/vehicle_wake"
gravity 800
waterProof 1
bouyancy 1
hoverHeight 30
hoverStrength 35
cameraOverride 1
cameraRange 125
cameraVertOffset 0
cameraPitchOffset 0
cameraFOV 100
cameraAlpha 0
weap1 swoop_laser
weap1Delay 100
weap1AmmoMax 2000
weap1AmmoRechargeMS 200
weapMuzzle1 swoop_laser
The SPEEDER_BIKE is fine, but reverse is too slow.
very impressive looking. any way you could try a version of the stap so it can fly high like in the movies? like maybe a slower version of a star fighter or something.
thanks InsaneSith, i was hoping you post only the changed stats and explain whats the effect, but thats fine too. you changed mouseYaw and turnWhenStopped, i gone take a look.
and i lower the speedMin of the speeder_bike to -400, then it should be double fast backwards.
Shaders? shame on me, but i dont know how they work, can someone point me to a good tutorial or help me with it?
yeah well lucky me you already had most of the stuff set at excellent settings :D. I'm not sure about the shader tuts. Can't wait to see this finished :)
InsaneSith, i just tried your settings, but i cant see any difference. what should mouseYaw and turnWhenStopped change?
Hi t3rr0r, nice to see you again. good idea with the flying STAP, i gone have a try if it works. i will set gravity to 0 and see what happens.
InsaneSith, how did you get the Anakin Skywalker saber to work with it's textures normal, because i have got it in game, just it's textures are messed up, the same goes for the Dooku saber ??
Sorry to go off topic, nice vehicles BTW can't wait to use them ;)
Originally posted by Duncan_10158
InsaneSith, i just tried your settings, but i cant see any difference. what should mouseYaw and turnWhenStopped change?
Hi t3rr0r, nice to see you again. good idea with the flying STAP, i gone have a try if it works. i will set gravity to 0 and see what happens. it makes for a much eaiser turn where as you just had it set with a faster turn. oh i also went and rasied the armor. i forgot to mention that, orginally you had it at 800 instead of the normal 2000. :) .
and remember the smallest, least notable changes, are always the most effective ;)
ok, i see its not only faster turning, it has also a better tracking, good. about the Armor, in my original i have a armor of 80, not 800. so to set it to 2000 make it 50 times longer to destroy? and what mean malfunctionArmorLevel? you set it form 20 to 2000 too. i think 5 times tougher should be good, isnt it?
i also fixed the bug with the STAP, while turning the driver had a slitly different center of inclination so that his feet were not always in the right place. now its correct :)
and Tesla, i am not one of those >this belongs there, not here<, so every question is welcome. but i have no idea how InsaneSith made that :) so InsaneSith i would like to know that too.
ooooo i wanna test!!! send me an e-mail here (robinhawk@yahoo.com)
Originally posted by mariners2001
ooooo i wanna test!!! send me an e-mail here (robinhawk@yahoo.com) maybe we should use it to blackmail you to release your uber sweet rock fisto :D i'm sorry i'm evil aren't i XD
Thanks IS :D
And i cant wait for these new Vehicles, keep up the great work :)
speeder bike looks hella cool, STAP looks a tad naff tho, mebbe you should use the tauntaun posture instead, they just look way funny with their butts sticking out so far...
so i made a partly new skin for the speeder_bike, brown like requested. added also engine glow shaders. but i have no idea how to make the shader for a metalic or rusty look. if somebody knows about that, could you give me some hint. i havent found no helping tutorial on that, does somebody know one?
one problem when driving a stap, the laser is shoting strait so the chance to hit someone is zero, cause its shoting much to high. if we make the aiming like it is in a ATST, strait horizontaly but you can aim in the vertical a bit. that would make much more sence. i havent found the parameter for that to enable. does somebody know it?
and nearly forgot it, should i sent the new version to you testers again, so we are all on the same again?
i know the parameter lemme dig it up.
also uhmm how do you make a shader i could make a rust look i just don't know how to make shaders >_<~
name ATST_vehicle
numHands 2
hideRider 1
killRiderOnDeath 1
lookYaw 45
lookPitch 45
mouseYaw 0.05
mousePitch 0.01
the pitch is the up and down. so naturally we need to set that. my main concern is people crashing into the ground.
now I'd like to keep it easy to look around and aim but also if it is too easy then it'd make crashing more likely. I'd like it to stay rather easy to do things.... maybe I'll find more while digging through settings. :)
That's a good idea Duncan. An up-to-date file would be appreciated. I've been tinkling in the .veh files. IMO The center of gravity is good as it is. I agree with the reverse part. (I changed that for the swoop as well some time ago) I don't know how to fix the firing angle. This way lasers are purely for looks.
i just sent the newest versions to the testers, you should have it in your mailbox now :) i think its pritty close to release version.
the lookPitch and mousePitch does not affect firing direction, at least not in my changed version. does it work in someones game? and it is also not the sence that you can fly up in the are with a swoop or a bike or crash on the other side. so we need to let that idea fall, what you think?
one more point, what about additional skins? should these two vehicles have more the one skin? and waht skins would look good?
if we dont have any new revolutionary ideas or we strongly disagree to some leatest changes, i think we are ready to release it. (and i will go to my next topic, droideka)
hmm...i never got the e-mail. would you mind sending it again....my e-mail is robinhawk@yahoo.com
thanks a bunch
Originally posted by InsaneSith
maybe we should use it to blackmail you to release your uber sweet rock fisto :D i'm sorry i'm evil aren't i XD
Haha...i forgot about that skin. I wouldn't want to punish you like that....haha
Originally posted by Duncan_10158
i just sent the newest versions to the testers, you should have it in your mailbox now :) i think its pritty close to release version.
the lookPitch and mousePitch does not affect firing direction, at least not in my changed version. does it work in someones game? and it is also not the sence that you can fly up in the are with a swoop or a bike or crash on the other side. so we need to let that idea fall, what you think?
one more point, what about additional skins? should these two vehicles have more the one skin? and waht skins would look good?
if we dont have any new revolutionary ideas or we strongly disagree to some leatest changes, i think we are ready to release it. (and i will go to my next topic, droideka) it seems that in order for the pitch to work the gun has to be movable like the atst's head. :(
Hi Duncan,
Just adding my ten cents here as well. ;)
As I mentioned in the other thread - I can post you my Stap model to see if you can get it to work properly. I suspect it's probably a part of the export process although my .glm file shows up fine in ModView.
Are you using 3DSmax or Softimage at all?
I think the biggest problem will be to add animations to the player characters so they sit properly on the new vehicles.
Don't forget, you can add those little 'damage indicator' graphics to the HUD (Noticeable on things like the X-Wing)
P.S. As an aside - anyone tried spawning the yt-1300! if you do you'll get an invisible falcon (cos there's no yt-1300 vehicle model in the models/players folder) and when you get in it will crash JK:JA!) :eek:
If you want you can send it to me.
I could take a look at it.
Originally posted by InsaneSith
it seems that in order for the pitch to work the gun has to be movable like the atst's head. :(
no its not the movable head or something like that. i tried to change the type VH_WALKER. it worked somehow. now it was possible to aim vertiacly, but the moving changed completly. the stap was bumping up and down the hole time and der driver had a wrong possition. so the aiming has something to do with the vehicle type. thats probably a coding thing.
monsoontide, ok i will have a try to put your model in game. you can sent it me to this email. i am using 3ds max, so sent me your file in 3ds and glm formats. perhaps i need to reexport it.
about the drivers animation, i dont think that is possible. we have to stik to the drivers possitions that are in game. i made my models so, that they fit >under< those sitting drivers. adding new driver animations would need adding it to the _humanoid.gla file and changing some code. thats not possible yet.
and to add those damage indicators, that would need to change the vehicle type. i tried it just once, we still need to learn more about that.
O.K. Duncan, will send it your way this evening after I get home from work.
If you can get it to work, we can go from there
(Since I have at this point 6 vehicles nearly modeled(m) & textured(t):
sith speeder :mauls: 100% m 75% t
stap 100% m 90% t
speeder bike 95% m 75% t
anakins speeder :wan: 30% m
dewback 90% m 70% t
acklay 95% m 85% t).
If we can get this working together, i might do a Reek :jfett: as well!
Will send you:
Anything else you need to make your life easier?
.skin file
.veh file
As far as the rider positions go, it reminds me of the old speeder bike toy where the scouts legs didn't bend so he wasn't really sitting on it properly.
I think I will keep my models acurate and have the riders look funny ;-)
Originally posted by monsoontide
Anything else you need to make your life easier?
.skin file
.veh file
sure, if you already wrote them, it would make my life easier :)
and the rider positions, i made quite a bit of changings on to models so the driver better fit in. so its a good alternativ if you keep close the originals alltough you skins look realy realistic compeard to mine :(
Hey Duncan, I noticed you used my "Obi Sith variant" in one of your screenshots ;) Thanks for the publicity!
Hey the reason I'm making a post here, is I need some help. I am working on putting both Zam, and Anakin's speeder in the game. I need a base file to work off (with tags, bones and whatever else). I actually have the Zam model ready, but I dont have a base file to referance. I need a 3Ds, Max file, or maybe .Xsi. I would like to get a little advice here and there, but nothing that would tie up the time you have invested in this project. Please write me... neomarz1@sbcglobal.net ( I hope I hear from you). By the way, if you need skin tweaks, I'm your man. Sincerely, Mars
NeoMarz1, there is a >JA models and skinmap< pack releasd by raven, there is a swoop in XSI frmat in it, the reference you request. if you have any other questions, go ahead, we all are learning here.
and about the skins, i could realy need some help, specialy about the shaders. i dont even know wahts possible, how could i let something look metalic? and so on.
Hi Duncan,
I've e-mailed you my STAP model. Let's hope you can get it to work!!! :)
Awesome work, man. Hope you get those ready soon.
And btw, how about flyable Deathstar vehicle?
(Just kidding;) )