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Joystick support (change left-right function)

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10-05-2003, 6:43 AM
I am using joystick and mouse support at the same time in this game. I am using the joystick for moving around. When I turn on the joystick support the front and back work great (fulll proportional support). However, the left and right give me the turn function. I use the mouse for turning and want the joystick to perform the slide/sidestep for left and right movement. Just a sec, it gets better...I searched around and found that I can map joystick movements to a joystick axis using:
bind LEFTARROW "+moveleft"
bind RIGHTARROW "+moveright"
While this gets it done, I lose all proportional support for the joystick.

MY QUESTION: Is there a way to just switch the side-to-side joystick movement from turn-left-right to slide/side-step and keep the rest of the stock settings?

Thank you very much for solving this for me, Raven.
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