This is probably the easiest thing in the world but I have never even touched a model or a skin before. I don't even know if this posts belongs in here or skinning or in coding for that matter, anyway..
How do you add a surface tag to a model?
In Gmax, when you also have the import plugin for MD#, there's a nifty button that says: add tag (which then show up at the center of the model)..... Just reposition it and attach it to a part, I guess.
I did it with my saber, and it worked, dunno if it goes the same for models...
I'm exporting my vehicle model from Milkshape as an md3 and then converting it to a .GLM file.
Along the way, I have to make a .qc file so the model will compile properly.
I need to add the tags correctly
Here's what I have:
// Quake III Arena MD3 control file, generated by MilkShape 3D
$model "models/players/ja_stap/ja_stap.md3"
// reference frame
//$frames -1 -1
// frame 1-1
$frames 1 1
$flags 0
$numskins 0
// you can have one or no parent tag
// tags
// meshes (surfaces)
$mesh "STAP_Body"
$skin "models/players/ja_stap/ja_stap.tga"
$flags 0
Now can someone please tell me what the correct syntax for adding *rider tag might be?
// you can have one or no parent tag
//$parenttag "tag_rider"
// tags
$tag "tag_rider"
Enjoy :)
Thanks for that. Hope it will help!