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Here is my solution to the "nerfed single sabres".

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10-03-2003, 2:44 AM
Here is my solution to the "nerfed single sabres".

The regular attack button now makes everyone in the server die no matter where they are. In fact it will make everyone in every single server world-wide die.

Now you wont need to bitch and complain how there weak and you cant repeatedly DFA all the time and not kill someone instantly.
10-03-2003, 6:36 AM
I think there needs to be a "fall on your own saber" emote, that I can use whenever somebody starts whining and I lose the will to continue on...
 FK | unnamed
10-03-2003, 6:46 AM
A better solution would be to look at the existing game play problems and imbalances and adjust accordingly in a few places.

Most software companies do this prior to a game being released, it is usually called a "multi player test".

Granted, this may make game play more complex and require a little thought be put into your actions as opposed to button mashing, but I'm sure you all will adapt just as well as you did in the previous game.

10-03-2003, 9:30 AM
Originally posted by Kurgan
I think there needs to be a "fall on your own saber" emote, that I can use whenever somebody starts whining and I lose the will to continue on...

Or you could bind it to the bow/meditate emotes. :D
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