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Cloaking in MP siege

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10-02-2003, 2:06 AM
Hey everyone, I'm a little new around here, just got the game and enjoying it.

I apologize if someone mentioned it already, but I read the FAQ and looked through 10 pages of post, tried the search feature, but its not working, so I thought I'd ask here.

Basically, how do you use the cloak in siege mode? I've gotten the blue bar to flash for half a second but thats it.
10-02-2003, 2:37 AM
8 views and no reply...does this means that everyone who looked doesn't know or they just don't wanna waste thier time telling me?
10-02-2003, 3:17 AM
Indeed this is a problem, but I have found that some servers "very few" have cloak working...when I said very few thats like 3 servers...Luckfully if you want to use cloak just head on over to: They are always online, always playing seige and cloak works..for some unknown reason...The only other server I have found that also supports this is Landos Big Dick server...I'm sure this is easy to figure out, I just don't feel like it. Someone here will get it and you'll see every server using cloak.

BTW: Cloak kinda sux, only lasts for like a minute and you can still see the person fairly well "just like cloak in sp" also the damn DEMP gun can take it out or even destroy it! Watch out...
10-02-2003, 6:40 AM
Yeah, it's not unstoppable, but they did it that way on purpose. Think of it as the "poor man's (non-Jedi) Mind Trick" ; )

I do think the "Predator Style Cloak" was another nice homage to AvP (the other is Force Seeing). Obviously the Raven guys are fans!
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