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Question for Kurgan or ChangKhan(Raven) ...

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09-30-2003, 2:40 PM
How do I get 2 saberstaffs?
How do I get all the blades to be different colors?
09-30-2003, 2:49 PM
You already made a post about this. You don't need another...
09-30-2003, 3:07 PM
Just because no one answered your last thread, there's no need to make another. And please take the time to actually read some of the other threads, like the 'cheats' thread. If what you want is possible, then it's probably listed in there somewhere.

And just an FYI...the Admins and Moderators on these boards aren't (unfortunately) boundless founts of knowledge about the game. So please don't address game-related issues specifically to us. Just post in your topic the problem with which you want help. Otherwise people think you are simply asking the Admins a question about something else...which may be why no one responded to your last topic.
09-30-2003, 7:12 PM
And to answer your question, I have no idea (honestly) how to get two saberstaffs in the game (not without editing it of course).

What SH said...
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