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ja question and combat mod idea

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09-30-2003, 2:13 PM
Hi, I was wondering if any mod makers were making a fighting mod for jka. I mean the possibilities are all there and should be easy to string together since all the animations are there. An example (remember this is a suggestion so no flames) would be you could take the animation when jaden takes the guys leg (from the melee command) and use that as a counter when someone throws a kick. When someone throws a punch you can use the headlock animation as a counter or you can use the flip back from knockdown animation and use that as a monkeyflip when you do a wall grab on a stormtrooper. Well enough banter, now for the questions. I've been trying to get my models to stay permanently instead of having to keep typing playermodel whomever. I know its /model modelname, but I can't get it to work. Also does anyone know how to do the desann saber staff command. I know its desann desann for the dual sabers, but what about the saberstaff. Thanks in advance.
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