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Reserve privite spots? how

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09-29-2003, 5:02 PM
What is the command line for the server config file to reserve spots on my server. It is booming and the clan members never can get on now. thanks
09-29-2003, 6:13 PM
anyone? if u know please post this would help out so much.
 Amidala from Chop Shop
09-29-2003, 6:13 PM
Just add these two lines to your server.cfg file:

seta sv_PrivateClients "n"
seta sv_PrivatePassword "yourpassword"

Where n is the number of reserved private slots and yourpassword is the password needed to use them. Remember that the number of private clients is subtracted from your total clients, so if

sv_maxClients 16
sv_PrivateClients 2

16-2 = 14, so your 16-player server will have 14 slots available to the public and will show as full when there are 14 players there. However, up to two more people can join the "full" server if they have the private client password.
09-29-2003, 6:21 PM
Thnx, this will help me with a server... you should add this to the sticky’d server setup topic, it would really help some people! BTW I'd like to see someone create a solid dedicated server for windows and then zip it and put it online as a template for the rest of us server noobs!

Thnx for the noob sandwich,
 Amidala from Chop Shop
09-29-2003, 6:36 PM
I will quote myself from the server setup thread here

I am running two busy Jedi Outcast servers and a Jedi Academy server, and I highly recommend Jedi Runner to anyone running a server from home or on a LAN. All three of my servers are hosted now, but I started out like many of you, a total novice running a small server on my home computer. Not only does Jedi Runner make it very easy to do complex things (custom map rotations, force\weapon disables, custom bot combinations, and much more), but the Help section is very good and explains a lot of the cvars and what they do. I also learned a lot by studying the configuration files that Jedi Runner produced. Very highly recommended.

You may have to tweak Jedi Runner to make it work with Academy, but probably not much since most of the cvars are the same. If you have Jedi Outcast, play around with it and study the config files it makes to understand how to configure your server. Jedi Runner is available here
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