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A NEW community!!!!

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09-29-2003, 3:55 PM
The next phase in online play for JK is here SIEGE FFA & SIEGE CTF

was jus playin ffa on desert siege map and to put it lightly it AMAZING!!!

I then went to suggest to the server admin to work on a CTF mod for siege maps.

Flag carriers on swoops.......:D :D :D

Try to stop that with a kick.
09-29-2003, 7:49 PM
It shouldn't require any modding actually, once the mapping tools are out they can simply drop a few vehicles into their maps (without the need for cheats).

In fact, there is already at least one map out there, wampa joust, which adds new vehicles to a new map.

So it's already possible to do. And yes, I agree it would be cool to play CTF with classes and vehicles.
09-29-2003, 9:36 PM
wuts the current limit on map sizes ?

I could envision a PM pod race like cenario where you have to catch or intercept a flag carrier on high speed vehicles.


where do you dl ur maps from and are there any servers u now of hosting them?

im only seein pure servers
09-29-2003, 10:33 PM
Yeah! Whenever the guy with the flag finishes a full lap on his speederbike/swoop, his team gets a cap. Or something like that. It would add something new at least!
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