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JA on the zone?

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09-28-2003, 10:41 PM
Has anyone heard any word about when/if JA will be available for play on the msnzone ( I've heard different things, like it will be on the zone but nobody knows when....

If anyone knows anymore about it, please post your info. Direct p2p play on the zone is alot more fun to many players than just sticking to ded servers all the time. I've always played jk2 on both the zone and ded servers, so I sure hope JA will be on the zone too.... alot of people want it to be, too.
09-29-2003, 3:59 AM
My gut feeling is if it's not there now, it won't be, simply because M$ always wants to get the drop on their games.

They had JK2 support before the game was even out...

I think this time they realize that the vast majority of players won't be using the Zone, so it's not worth their time and money.

Frankly, I could care less about the Zone anyway...
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