Whats the command to use tusken rifle in sp? I tried give weaponnum # and then give ammo but i did not get any npc weapons. Also is it possible to use tusken staff too?
come on! no one knows how? Can someone please tell me?
Maybe if you type "playermodel tusken_raider", you can get to play as a tusken raider with the rifle or the tusken staff!
that name does not exist. I tried tuskensniper but i got a tusken without any rifle
The only way is to type "setforceall 9" then mind trick any Tusken Raiders control them.... Once you are controling the tusken raider, but only for a few seconds.
Type "setforceall 0" to stay as a tusken raider as long as you want.
NOTE: You will run out of ammo while playing as the one with the rifle.
Its not only the tusken rifle, the Noghri have a gun which you can't use as well.
Perhaps someone could mod the rifle allowing the player to use it.
By using the "setforceall 9"
But will run out of ammo after some time...