I have made myself a skin in JO using the community made Aayla Secura model (female Twi'lek).
Now that I have JA, I want to reskin the Twi'lek that came with the game using my stuff. That part I have no problems doing (and I understand I'll have to do some heavy modifying, if not start over).
What I'd like to know is can I change this selectable part model (you know, you can pick different heads, torsos, legs) into a "normal" model, if that's even possible... If not, ugh, this crap is complex, I can't believe all the coding in these things!
By the way this is for MP.
Any help would be VERY appreciated, even if it's showing me how to reskin a multi-part-skin (hehe)
The truth is that there doesn't seem to be a way that doesn't involve all of the complexities. I'd say that you should pick the parts that you want and skin them, then experiment.
Yeah, that's what I was afraid of... ;)
Actually, I had a thought recently... it's really just a script of some type... I'd think... I'm away from my station at the moment, but I'll fiddle when I get home tomorrow.
Actually, I had a thought recently... it's really just a script of some type... I'd think... I'm away from my station at the moment, but I'll fiddle when I get home tomorrow.
I say just pick three twi'lek parts and reskin 'em, or reskin that twi'lek girl from the single player game, who is a full model (her name escapes me). Reskinning separate parts is nowhere near as hard as it sounds... heck, I figured out skinning for JO yesterday and this morning I was already making new parts for JA... pretty much the same process, and its cool cause you could easily enough make your twi'lek char a handful of custom outfits. And reskinning the full twi'lek model should be easy enough, exactly same thing you did for the Aayla Secura model.
Seriously, don't worry about reskinning the separate parts, its much easier than it sounds and as an added bonus, you can actualy use it in single player just as easily as in multi...they're one and the same. Just as long as you don't want selectable colors...those scare my chickens. My head still hurts from trying to figure those out...haven't given up quite yet, tho ;)
Anyway, if you get stuck at any point, let me know :) wolfmage75@yahoo.com
Guest indeed!
Guess theres some problem with that username, so now I'm over here... Jevathan=JevTaliz.