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Saberrealisticcombat Question

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09-25-2003, 7:24 PM
I have read everything about the g_saberrealisticcombat cheat but i still can not get it to work whatsoever in JA. Does anybody know how to get it working. And what are some good sites where i can find some SP missions to play! I am getting bored of beating the game over and over!
09-25-2003, 7:34 PM
The only way I could get the realistic combat to work was to create a shortcut with this as the target->

"C:\Program Files\LucasArts\Star Wars Jedi Knight Jedi Academy\GameData\jasp.exe" +set g_sabermorerealistic 2 +devmapall +load quick +set g_sabermorerealistic 2

and the shortcut loads your last quicksave. All the other methods I tried did not work.

Hope it helps
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