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JKA: A 7 out of 10

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09-20-2003, 2:19 AM
Hi, I just finished jedi academy and I have to say on the scale of one to ten it gets a seven. As a stand alone game it gets a seven but as an expansion pack it gets a nine. First of all it was good to see that they took most of the memorable moments from dark forces 2 jediknight and incorporated them into this game. Like the temple level and the rancor chase. Well let me get straight to the point. Here are the things I liked about the game.

Better saber battles: You can't deny saber battles are more fun with the improved katas (I think thats what they're called) and new sabers.

vehicles: Even though they were only three vehicles it was fun using them.

More ways to take down enemys: You could go unarmed with g_debugmelee cheat and choke out, punch out, or bodyslam your way through. You could shoot your way through or slice your enemies.

Levels: Levels were well designed I especially liked the Hoth and Speeder Bike levels.

Here are the things I didn't like

Too many saberbattles and not enough team ups: Ok I know people wanted more emphasis on saber dueling in the game, especially since JK has the slow mo effect thing going for it, but come on after killing your 40th saber cultist with the grip or lightning cultist guy you get tired. Also the team ups, the few they had, were great, but Raven could have done a better job with making the friendly AI have the ability to use vehicles.

The endings: Now come on we could have better endings then that. Geez I think someone needs to get Mr. Lucas out the Cantina and have him come up with some new light side endings. Now I know why some many easily fall to the dark side.

The vehicle contol: Maybe its me because I don't know how to use the controls that well (still working on knocking two guys out with a double twirl kick attack) but steering the only the mouse and having problems with reverse make it sort of weird.

Now for my final conclusion (newbie view of course, so flame fan boys):

The game is good both as a stand alone game, but we would have been much better as an expansion pack. I think some people who own JKO would of at least wanted it for a lower price. The problem is Raven put so much content into the game (levels, fighting styles, customizations, and opprotunity for modders to make better vechicles/game additions/skins) that I guess they put too much into it and decided to sell it as a stand alone product. Now I used to love the original Darkforces Jk series, but even though I like Kyle, we might have to say goodbye to him and hello to Jaden or someone else. Just like everything evolves so will JKA. This I can almost guarantee that the next JK will be using the Doom 3 engine (because Raven loves ID's engines) and will probably incorporate more things from the expanded universe (like Luke, Leia, the twins, and probably the rival jedi's who tried to destroy the academy) because the way sales are slipping a bit it's most likely after epsiode three there will be a movie to end it all. So until Jedi Academy: Yatta yatta yatta... I'll see you then.
09-20-2003, 6:38 AM

I really adore you, finishing JKA !
I'm from Germany and just yesterday the game was available.
But now I have a big problem in the third pacours. I destroyed all five bombs and now I ahve to go back to the ship, but the door is closed. i try many things but I didn't find out, what I doing wrong.
Can u help me, please?

09-20-2003, 7:57 AM
Originally posted by tamarin

I really adore you, finishing JKA !
I'm from Germany and just yesterday the game was available.
But now I have a big problem in the third pacours. I destroyed all five bombs and now I ahve to go back to the ship, but the door is closed. i try many things but I didn't find out, what I doing wrong.
Can u help me, please?


If your talking about the part when you diffuse the first five bombs (not the one where the x-wing guy tells you to place the charges) then what you have to do is go where you found the first the bomb. I think then you will see three ledges with doors and a room with a lift (not an elevator a regular lift) I think you go to the one on your left, but its definently one of those three doors. Once you get out of the building run to the right and just walk up to the door and your ship should open. If it's a bug...(and I don't recommend this but if its a bug and you have no choice) press the ~ and shift key then type devmapall then noclip. Because that door should open. I've done this mission twice so far (once for the light and once for the darkside) and the door should open.
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