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Change your cutscene model

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09-19-2003, 3:31 AM
i dont know if this has been posted before, but i remember a lot of people who changed their model to play through the game and wanted to also have that model in their cutscenes. well, i found out how

ui_char_model "modelname"
g_char_model "modelname"

not exactly sure which of those two actually does it (too lazy to test :p ) but say you want to play through the game as a jawa, just type "jawa" where modelname is and all of your cutscenes will have you as a jawa :D

course you only still have the two soundbank options of male or female jaden, so it might sound a little weird coming from a jawa

EDIT: little typo. its char instead of player
09-19-2003, 3:33 AM
cheers bud.
09-19-2003, 3:44 AM
Female Jaden with the Yuzhan Vong just seems..wrong
09-19-2003, 4:20 AM
well, ok upon further testing i found out that while you can change your cutscene model to whatever you want (and its only g_char_model responsible) you'll be left with no skin, thus the default grey and white. i've tried fiddling with all sort of other values, but i cant find one that will change the skin on your character

now the weird part is if you set g_char_model to one that doesn't exist (can be anything) it will default to a stormtrooper with complete skin. so while you couldn't play as any character you wanted through the cutscenes, at least you could play as a lightsaber weilding stormtrooper :p
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