I'm getting this problem with FreeBSD:
-bash-2.05b$ uname -a
FreeBSD srv.escapedturkey.com 4.9-PRERELEASE FreeBSD 4.9-PRERELEASE #0: Sat Sep 20 04:53:17 GMT 2003 escaped@srv.escapedturkey.com:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/whatever i386
screen ./linuxjampded +set dedicated 2 +set net_ip +set net_port 29070 +set ttycon 0 +set fs_homepath /usr/home/turkey +set com_hunkmegs 64 +set sv_maxclients 16 +exec server.cfg
Using the default server.cfg to test:
// Server Config
seta sv_hostname "my server name"
//seta g_motd "woot"
//rconpassword "my secret password"
seta sv_maxclients 16
set timelimit 20
// gametypes
// 0 = FFA
// 3 = DUEL one on one tournament
// 7 = SIEGE
// 8 = CTF
// below will rotate through all multiplayer maps
// found in the assets0.pk3 file and use the correct
// gametype for each map
set d1 "set g_gametype 0; map mp/ffa1 ; set nextmap vstr d2"
set d2 "set g_gametype 0; map mp/ffa2 ; set nextmap vstr d3"
set d3 "set g_gametype 0; map mp/ffa3 ; set nextmap vstr d4"
set d4 "set g_gametype 0; map mp/ffa4 ; set nextmap vstr d5"
set d5 "set g_gametype 0; map mp/ffa5 ; set nextmap vstr d6"
set d6 "set g_gametype 8; map mp/ctf1 ; set nextmap vstr d7"
set d7 "set g_gametype 8; map mp/ctf5 ; set nextmap vstr d8"
set d8 "set g_gametype 8; map mp/ctf5 ; set nextmap vstr d9"
set d9 "set g_gametype 8; map mp/ctf5 ; set nextmap vstr d10"
set d10 "set g_gametype 8; map mp/ctf5 ; set nextmap vstr d11"
set d11 "set g_gametype 3; map mp/duel1 ; set nextmap vstr d12"
set d12 "set g_gametype 3; map mp/duel2 ; set nextmap vstr d13"
set d13 "set g_gametype 3; map mp/duel3 ; set nextmap vstr d14"
set d14 "set g_gametype 3; map mp/duel4 ; set nextmap vstr d15"
set d15 "set g_gametype 3; map mp/duel5 ; set nextmap vstr d16"
set d16 "set g_gametype 3; map mp/duel6 ; set nextmap vstr d17"
set d17 "set g_gametype 3; map mp/duel7 ; set nextmap vstr d18"
set d18 "set g_gametype 3; map mp/duel8 ; set nextmap vstr d19"
set d19 "set g_gametype 3; map mp/duel9 ; set nextmap vstr d20"
set d20 "set g_gametype 3; map mp/duel10 ; set nextmap vstr d21"
set d21 "set g_gametype 7; map mp/siege_desert ; set nextmap vstr d22"
set d22 "set g_gametype 7; map mp/siege_hoth ; set nextmap vstr d23"
set d23 "set g_gametype 7; map mp/siege_korriban ; set nextmap vstr d1"
// start the first map
vstr d1
It goes to this and I have to hit CTRL C to stop it:
JAmp: v1.0.1.0 linux-i386 Sep 19 2003
----- FS_Startup -----
Current search path:
/usr/home/escaped/ja/base/assets2.pk3 (62 files)
/usr/home/escaped/ja/base/assets1.pk3 (8320 files)
/usr/home/escaped/ja/base/assets0.pk3 (15346 files)
23728 files in pk3 files
execing mpdefault.cfg
couldn't exec jampserver.cfg
couldn't exec autoexec.cfg
--- Common Initialization Complete ---
Opening IP socket:
Hostname: srv.escapedturkey.com
execing server.cfg
------ Server Initialization ------
Server: mp/ffa1
----- FS_Startup -----
Current search path:
/usr/home/escaped/ja/base/assets2.pk3 (62 files)
/usr/home/escaped/ja/base/assets1.pk3 (8320 files)
/usr/home/escaped/ja/base/assets0.pk3 (15346 files)
47456 files in pk3 files
Loading dll file jampgame.
Sys_LoadDll(jampgame) found **vmMain** at 0x2a0cbbb8
Sys_LoadDll(jampgame) succeeded!
------- Game Initialization -------
gamename: basejk
gamedate: Sep 9 2003
That's it, just hangs there. I have JK2 running on the same machine and it's running just fine. I followed the instructions for the FreeBSD install here:
Hrm. :(