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Just bought jedi acadmey

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09-18-2003, 11:10 PM
ok wtf is this!? it keeps saying insert Cd1 when i have it in the drive! has anyone else had this problem!? how do i fix it!?
09-18-2003, 11:19 PM
oh another thing is when i run it when i use force push or pull it skips. is there any command to fix this? i think u should make a patch to make it like Jk2 other then that the game is fine how do i fix this insert cd 1 thing!? wtf
09-18-2003, 11:40 PM
Are you running the full legal retail version?

Make sure you aren't using any cd cracks or hacked exe's...
09-18-2003, 11:58 PM
I haven't had either of those problems. For the second issue try turning off different graphics settings.
09-19-2003, 12:02 AM
never mind i fixed the problem :D it seems i still had the demo installed hehe :)
09-19-2003, 12:28 AM
That's good to know that it can be an issue :)
09-19-2003, 2:35 AM
Hmm...strange. I still have the demo installed, yet it installed the full game without any problems at all. To be honest, I was beginning to dread it not working, considering the number of problems others have had. The only thing I've had so far is a few random lock-ups while playing.

As Prime's good to know that there might be a solution for some other people out there. When in doubt, uninstall the demo before installing the full game...
09-19-2003, 11:22 AM
ahhh crap its doing it again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and the demo is NOT instaleld now! oi!
09-19-2003, 12:46 PM
Hmmmm, well for a start put dynamic glow and force feedback off to see if it improves at all :)
If not, some of the Raven guys are going around here and there so theym giht be able to help you :)
09-19-2003, 12:57 PM
Make a note of this in the bug thread as well. It would be good to get all the issues (and hopefully the solutions) in one place...
09-20-2003, 11:38 AM
Originally posted by Agen_Terminator
Hmmmm, well for a start put dynamic glow and force feedback off to see if it improves at all :)
If not, some of the Raven guys are going around here and there so theym giht be able to help you :)

how do u turn force feed back on or off?
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