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Annoying Error - CL_ParsePacketEntities

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09-18-2003, 4:34 PM
I got this error after like 10 seconds in the multiplayer :
end of message

And then it just exits... Anyone knows what's the problem??
09-18-2003, 4:37 PM
I think you are trying to connect to a server that is running the illegal beta of the game. Unfortunately, there seem to be a fair number of these around...
09-18-2003, 4:38 PM
I don't think it is... Even when I like do "Solo" vs comp players I still get this error:/
09-18-2003, 4:44 PM
CL_ParsePacketEntities comes from using a cd crack or hacked exe (normally associated with illegal versions of the game).


PS: The error you get when trying to join a warez server with a legit game is "invalid game folder" or something similar.
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