OK ok ok , i know what you guys are thinking .. this ain t new etc etc... what the hell is this noob talking about ..??
Well actually , i ve discovered that they are 2 ways to pull out katas with force of speed ...
1er way: if you trigger the force of speed THEN the katas
RESULT: it will actually make a katas with a force of speed .. so nothing new ..
2nd way: TRY THIS , pull out the kata FIRST , THEN use force of speed right after ... you character will pull out the katas much more slower than usual giving you more time to place a SOME ( not one ) good hit on your target ...
I was fighting a reborn with full health ( jedimaster difficulty ) and it just killed him in no sec ....
this doesnt really work with dual lightsaber since ur opponent always stays out of range ...
Here is a second tip to take advantage against heavy stance ...
In single player, heavy stance have lots of trouble to deflect laser bolt unlike light stance ( especially agasint the repeater ) so u can just shoot against heavy stance ppl heavy stance guy without pb unlike light stance... but dunno if this is still true in MP.
Well I hope this thread will help a little..
Akroma, Angel Of Wrath
No rest. No mercy. No matter what.