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cl_parsepackentities (Only asking what type of error it is)

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09-17-2003, 2:20 PM
Hello all..

Well as I saw in the stuck threads, people asking about a fix for the error cl_parsepackentities will get banned, and now I just wonder why?

If the error could be legit, or if it is a proven fact that it only happens in a warez version of the game.

Rest asure Kurgan, I'm not asking for a fix - nor do I have that error, only wondering if it could be legit, since if so, then how could people with a legit error like that get any help?

I'm a moderator and administrator on various boards (Prefer to be anynomous so don't ask what boards, since it could lead to incompetance in my leadership if I haven't done my research properly) and I want to make sure that this is a legit error if such a gravity of action must be taken.
Any facts of this will be gladly accepted.

Thanks for the reply in advance,
09-17-2003, 2:26 PM
The error comes from using a hacked exe or "no cd crack."

That is why we don't allow it on here. And you could have asked this in PM btw...
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